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'Far from sight,
Hidden and secured,
Something in your room,
Is supposed to be found.'

I read it over and over again. 'What's supposed to be in my room? I've never noticed anything weird or out of place..?' I closed the diary, book, and took them both with me. I left my grandfather's room and sped off towards my house.

After a few minutes, I arrived. I bursted into my bedroom and putted the book and diary onto the table. I began searching through drawers, my closet, under my bed, and all places possible but I found nothing.


I looked at my wall, staring at nothing.

Or so I thought.

'How am I supposed to get my grandfather out of there, when I don't know where or what the second clue is?!' I looked around the room.
Like I said, nothing seems off.

It suddenly made me think of those movies, where there's a secret room behind the wall. A secret hiding spot. I laughed.

Would've he.. No, right? How would he even managed--

But it wouldn't hurt to make sure..

I walked towards the wall I was just staring at. I placed my hand against it and knocked on it. It sounds.. Hollow? Like, really, really hollow..

I've never noticed that before..

I traced the wall while knocking on it, and suddenly I came to an halt.
There is something behind it.. I concluded.
I took a few steps back. But..

How am I going to make sure of it?

My eyes suddenly fell onto the picture of me and my grandfather, which we took 2 years ago. The day before he disappeared.. I walked towards it, grabbing it and walked towards the table. I sat down onto the chair and got the glass frame off of it, now only having what I presumed to be a picture.

But I was wrong.

I turned the picture around, only to be met with a little paper behind it. I took it off of the picture and read it.

'Dear Y/n..
This is part of the second clue I gave you..
If you don't know what I mean, go to my house and room immediately and take the diary I gave you with you. Now,
There's a button underneath a lightweighted box. It will answer your question..'

This is--Okay, I mean, sure. I put it down again and searched for a lightweighted box. I opened my closet and got onto my knees, pressing my head against the floor and looked at the bottom of it. I saw something, but it wasn't really clear. I reached out my hand and I felt something light.. I moved it away and soon enough felt something else. I stood up and walked away to grab my phone, to have a little bit of more light. I did the exact same thing once again, and I could now clearly see the little box I just moved away and the.. Button. Carefully, I reached out and pressed on it.


Nothing happened.
I pressed again, with more force.


This button is really stubborn.
I pressed again, well, more like punched it with my fist and now it finally decided to do something. I quickly stood up and my poor wall opened by sliding to the side. It wasn't a big opening, but enough to squeeze through. I managed to do so without getting a scratch and now stood into a whole new room I've never encountered in my own house ever before. My mouth opened in amazement.

There were tons of books, paintings and drawings about vampires, werewolves, witches and millions of other things. There also was a table and chair. I walked towards the chair and sat down, noticing there is a letter. I picked it up and started reading it.

'Dear Y/n..
Now that you've found this room, it's time for the third clue. One step at the time, you'll get there. Once you've figured this out, you'll know what to do. I'm going to give you a name, that person is the one you'll be searching for. Her name is 'Helen.'

'Grab the book called Creatures and go to the page 356, and underline the 14th sentence. Then grab the book called Vampires and do the exact same thing with that one and another book, called Werewolves. It will form a message. Good luck.'

I looked around the room. That's going to take a while..I stood up and looked through the first bookshelf. After 30 minutes, I had found the first book. Creatures. I put it down onto the table and resumed searching.

After 2 hours, I finally had found all of the right books. I opened the first one and did exactly as the letter told me to. Page 356, 14th sentence. I had a pen in my hand and wrote all of it down. I did the exact same thing with the other two books. When I was finished, I read the message through.

Page 356, 14th sentence book Creatures:

Witches have the power to suck you into their world, and there are a few witches in the human world.

Page 356, 14th sentence book Vampires:

The Seven Keys aren't keys, but the most powerful vampires of their world to ever exist and they rule.

Page 356, 14th sentence book Werewolves:

Werewolves are very friendly when you get to know them and they love to help you when they trust you.'

I swallowed. I thought I needed to search for keys.. I didn't expect this.. I need to find Helen. Maybe she could help me to get into their world? But the question is..

Where can I find her?

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