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I followed Taehyung and ended up in a bedroom.

Don't think through, this isn't a moment to be dirty minded with such a hot guy in the same room as you--

Suddenly, he giggled. It made me smile unintentionally, but then my question was..

Why did he giggle?

Did I say that out loud..?

No I didn't..

He laughed a bit more. My face screamed 'Confusion.'

He sat down on his bed and I just awkwardly sat down next to him, keeping a fair amount of distance between the two of us. "Why did you just laugh?" I asked curiously. "Oh, guess you didn't know.. I um.. We can read minds if we want to."

My face now screamed 'tomato.'

Oh, that's embarrassing.

"Well, at least I'm happy I kind of got a compliment.." He tried to lighten up the mood. It made me giggle before nodding. "So, um, is it true you guys kill everyone who enters this place?" I asked my first question. "Well, you're not dead, so no. Not everyone."
I could literally feel my face drain from colour. "No, no no, don't be scared, we won't hurt you. Or at least, I truly won't. You can trust me." He said. I nodded before continuing. "Do you guys.. Um.. Feel cold to the touch? Like, if I would touch you, would I feel--okay I sound really weird now." I scratched my head which made him laugh. "See for yourself." I looked at him.


"See for yourself. Am I cold to the touch?"


"Are you like, for real?"

"Yeah, just try it."

I reached out my hand and held his. I thought it would feel really cold, like those books I've read discribed, but instead, warmth suddenly radiated off from him and this tingling sensation. I looked at him with wide eyes before releasing my grip. "W-what was that..?"

"Well, I can radiate off anything I want you to feel. I just wanted you to feel warmth and to feel safe." I nodded. "Do you perhaps have any questions for me?" I asked. "Yeah, I do actually. So, how was your life before you came here?"

"Well, I had my own house, I oftenly visited my grandfather's house and loved to read about fantasy and mythical creatures. Vampires and werewolves are my favorite. I had a good friend of mine, but she unfortunately judged me oftenly. She said I was crazy to believe you guys actually exist. We don't talk very often anymore. Last time, she just left my house all angry because it didn't go her way. Anyways.. Some personal things.. My favorite food is F/F my favorite colour is F/C and I never had a boyfriend before. I don't even know why I told you the last part I just-um-nevermind."
I awkwardly laughed. He smiled, but then looked confused. "What's a boyfriend?"

Oh, right. He isn't from our world. They have soulmates.

"Oh, it's like a mate. A soulmate. But, we aren't 'destinized to be with each other,' we choose to be with whoever we want to be with. That.. Also causes a lot of pain actually. People oftenly cheat on each other or break each other's hearts. Some guys even abuse their 'girlfriends.' In my opinion, your world is far more perfect. Our world is far from that."

I sighed. He looked at me wide eyed." W-what!? That's so cruel! In our world, cheating doesn't even exist! And we absolutely don't hurt each other! Besides, that would be stupid. Once we mark the person we're destined to be with, it's like claiming them, we'll be able to feel each other's pain from that moment. You'll know if there's something wrong with the other. There's also this thing called 'Rejection.' Once that happens, the mate bond breaks. In very, very, rare cases people will get a second chance mate. I've never heard of anyone having one tho. I've never seen it happen."

My eyes turned wide.
"That's.. Wow. I didn't knew nor expected that.. Have you found your mate yet?" He looked at me.
"No, I haven't. I honestly don't think I ever will. Everyone is scared of us, which is understandable. We don't necessarily seem nice with the things we do." I hummed in understanding.


"W-why does Jungkook treat me this way.." I whisper-asked.
I heard him sigh deeply. "Once a vampire finds his or her mate, their eyes turn purple. This happens when they first meet them, or when they get jealous or possessive. I really wouldn't mess with someone's mate, cause that could, mostly be, your death." I nodded. Suddenly, I gasped and clasped my hand over my mouth.

"What's wrong?!" Taehyung asked worriedly. "J-jung-kook's e-eyes tur-ned purple w-hen he m-met m-e.." I stuttered it all out, absolutely terrified. "B-but that can't be t-true, right? I'm mistaken.. Tell me I'm mistaken, please!" I looked up at him, tears brimming in my eyes. He stared at me. "Y-you're not mistaken, but don't worry--I'll protect you, I promise!" He said very quickly. I started crying. "I-i don't wa-nt to be h-h-his m-mate..I-I don't want to-to be anywher-e near h-him!" I hiccuped. It's so, so rare for a human to be mates with such a creature, yet, it had to happen to me. Does that make me lucky or really unlucky?

He hugged me tightly. "Sshh.. I know, I know.. I'm here for you.." I felt this tingling sensation again, but much, much stronger this time. It made me not wanting to ever let go of Taehyung. Deep within, it would freak me out but I felt so..




I just couldn't let go. I stopped crying within a good 20 seconds and he started singing quietly.

(4 o'clock)

'어느 날 달에게길
eoneu nal daregegil
길고긴 편지를 썼어
gilgogin pyeonjireul sseosseo
너보다 환하진 않지만
neoboda hwanhajin anhjiman
작은 촛불을 켰어
jageun chosbureul kyeosseo

어스름한 공원에
eoseureumhan gongwone
노래하는 이름모를 새
noraehaneun ireummoreul sae
Where are you
Oh you..'

Hearing is voice was a blessing to my ears. I closed my eyes about to fall asleep, when he stopped singing. "You're a really good singer, did you know that?" I complimented. He giggled. "You think so?" I nodded dramatically.

"I would love to hear it everyday."

"Then I would love to sing it for you everyday."

After a few more moments, we both pulled away. I was blushing slightly, and he smiled brightly.
He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it, only to be met with the sensations again, and he led me through the hallways, back into the room he got me from. I hesitantly walked inside. "T-thank you.. P-please don't leave me.." I almost begged quietly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't be with you all the time.. Even if I'm one of the most powerful vampires, Jungkook is no match for me.. I can't come between the mate bond.. I'm sorry." He released my hands and walked away. I sighed, walking towards the big bed. I layed down on it, closing my eyes. Taehyung's deep voice repeated in my head, helping me to drift off to sleep.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day..

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