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I searched through the fridge, hoping I would find a cup with blood or something. I don't want to kill again. I felt a tap on my shoulder and thinking it's Taehyung, I turned around with a smile.

A smile that instantly dropped seeing it's Jungkook.

"Hi, what are you searching for?"
He asked. "Actually.. I'm hungry. Do we have blood saved somewhere?" I resumed my searching through the fridge.
"No, we don't.. But you can have some of mine." I could literally feel him smirk.

'Breath, don't kill.'

"No thank you. I'll pass." I stated, closing the fridge and walking towards the chair that stood at the kitchen table. I sat down and rested my head onto my palms.
"Who are you waiting for?" Another question. "TaeTae. I'm just waiting for him to get--"

"Y/n-ssi!!! I'm here!" Taehyung exclaimed hugging me, and sitting down next to me. At that moment he realized that we were not alone. "TaeTae? Y/n-ssi?" Jungkook questioned. I could tell he got annoyed. "Yeah, we made nicknames for each other." Taehyung stated. I smiled. "Still hungry?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, let's go hunting then!" I shook my head furiously. "No, no, no, no! We're not going to kill again!" I said determined.

"Again? You two have been hunting together?" Jungkook butted in. "Yes, we have. I showed her how to--"
"But I didn't like to do it, so next time we're hungry, or when I'm hungry, please just save some blood in the fridge." I interrupted Taehyung. He nodded. "Sure. I guess we can do that."

"Um..I could go and fetch you some fresh blood if you want to." Taehyung offered. "No, I'm fine for now. Thanks."

I looked back at the place where Jungkook stood, and he's now gone. I looked back at TaeTae and grinned. "Showtime."

~Jungkook's POV~

I walked back to my room, knowing she'd come after me and getting annoyed with the conversation.

A few moments later, a knock on my door was heard. Knowing who would come in, I opened it. "H-hi.. Um.. This eh- may sound weird but.. Are you hungry? Like, for fresh blood? Cause.. Well.. I wanted to offer mine to you. We're mates, after all." She smiled, which I knew was fake. Gosh, she really has to come up with a better lie.

I, in fact, happily agreed to her offer and she walked into my room.

Oh my sweet Y/n.. Your life is going to take such a turn in a few moments..

I closed the door behind her, locking it, making sure no one would come and interrupt our moment. I internally smirked. "This is actually really nice of you. Thank you."

Lies. All lies.

"You're welcome. Here you go." She held up her wrist. I smiled and held her arm, lowering my head and biting into her vein. She hissed a little. I closed my eyes and soon enough opened them, in dark purple. I looked up at her while sucking her blood. She opened her mouth wanting to say something.

This is the moment I've waited for.

I beat her to it. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SAY ANYTHING. YOU'RE GOING TO OBEY ME. GOT IT?" I used a very deep tone, being as dominant as possible. She didn't saw this coming and widened her eyes, soon enough closing and opening them again, in very light purple.

Nearly done. Step one is done.

I stopped sucking out her blood and neared her face. "You know.. It isn't very nice of you when you try to reject me. Now..

I'll mark you.

Do you know what that means?" I smirked. She widened her eyes once again. "I guess that's a 'Yes.' Good. Now, I WANT YOU TO BEHAVE. LET ME DO THIS.

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