Chapter 7: Falling Tree, Burning Dojo

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"By the way my real name's Sealia and I'm your cousin..."

"Wait, what?!" Lloyd legit fell off the log they were sitting on.

"Yeah..." Sealia pulled off the the hood she'd never take off, her long black hair forward. Her electric purple eyes glanced over at the boy.

In the background all one could hear was the laughing and chatting of the snakes. Though for Sealia all she heard was the snaps of branches. People that are hunters would say it was an animal, but Sealia knows better.

Her head shot in the direction of the snap. The fog didn't help, although her eye traveled to the top of the trees.

That white Gi, unmistakable.

She pulled her hood on and turn to Lloyd. "I'll be back." Then running off in the woods

(Zane's POV)

I was following a falcon, and lead me to here...

Lloyd's tree house were he's going to "rule" ninjago. All I saw was hypnobrai, Lloyd and whoever his protector was.

I tried to get a closer look but I snapped a branch with my foot. I froze as his protector looked straight at me. Turned to Lloyd, then ran into the woods.

After me I assume, I jumped from tree branch, Lloyds protector chasing me. I made a mistake to look back. As soon as I did the last step I took was frozen.

I looked at them, they were charging up their next shot. No longer paying attention to where I was going I missed a branch and fell. You'll never guess what happend.

(Sealia's POV)

I was chasing the white ninja from tree tops, shooting ice at him. Like an idiot he looked back not looking where he was going.

You know what happend? He fell... yeah, that's why you look where your going. If he fell from this height he'd brake whatever bone he landed on.

I didn't wanna see that happen. Sure he's the "enemy" a ninja. I took an oath a long time ago, "save those who can't save themselves, whether friend or foe."

So I made an ice slide under him. He slid down it first and was about to run. Then I slid down it on my feet and landed in front of him.

He look at me straight in the eyes or where they would be, my hood covers them. "Beware for your friend in black isn't completely on your side." I said as I walked to the ice slide to melt it.

"I'd be going if I were you, me hunting is not a pretty sight, 'specially when it's people." After that statement he ran faster then you could count.

And a bird following him, I get the feeling that bird will be a hassle with those against the white one.

With that I walked back. All the hypnobrai were asleep, Lloyd was sitting on the same log from earlier.

"Hey why aren't you in bed?" My voice changed from the hostile it was a couple minutes ago to a sweet motherly one.

"I-i couldn't sleep without you." His voice was shaky, I picked him up. He's surprisingly light for his age. I set him down on the sleeping bag, in the tent.

"How bout I sing you to sleep?"

Once I was seven year old
My mama told me,
Go make yourself some friend or you'll be lonely.
Once I was seven years old....
It was a big big world but we thought we were bigger,
pushing each other to the limits we weren't learning quicker.
By eleven smoking herb and drinking, burning liquor.
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure.

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