
15 2 1

A week had passed and Cj had to leave to go back to his home town. It felt odd...but once he stepped out of my room. Out of my arms...
I felt a part of me broke inside.

Why did I feel so broken...?

Was I useless...?



Does he love me...?
Am I even good enough for him!?!?

I break down in tears slamming my room door shut as I fell to the ground tears falling from my face.

I didn't wanna breath if I was just a game to him.

Just someone for him to dumb his feelings on...

I got up and looked at my mirror whipping my tears staring at myself.

I threw my shampoo bottle at it then walked to my laptop and sat down opening it up.

And then that's when I got that message...

From my Ex... Ashton.

He accused me of cheating...then left me broken almost causing me suicide.

I cried harder shutting my laptop laying my head down on my desk letting the tears fall from my eyes.

Was I not meant for love...?

Why did everyone have to leave me...

Why wasn't I able to hold onto love!!

I got up to my bathroom and stared at my mirror again closing my eyes listening to my radio.

(As the song mirrors played)

I cried harder opening my eyes looking at my broken self. I really did hate life at points. But I know I can't die. Or leave this fucking world.

I'm living for Cj...

-Kyler Lynn
Sorry about this chapter I've been going by through shit....

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