the last skeleton

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Sarah's pov
I continued moving through the snowy area called "Snowdin" according to Flowey, we had gotten lucky and found an abandoned sentry station that was warm enough to rest in for now, i decided to take first watch to let Flowey sleep. 

Since he was my guide he needed sleep to tell me where to go. Flowey said our ultimate destination was the Barrier, since a human and a monster could pass through the barrier, Flowey and I could be free, if I wasn't bit by the time I made it to the surface. A few uneventful hours pass except for " dad" passing us like a dirty shirt. I actually hoped he would get bit, it would save me a lot of trouble once I got to the surface. Flowey wakes up and says to let me rest, and I lay down, resting for a few hours to be woken by soft knocking. I sit up quickly and I see a skeleton with a ripped blue jacket and he says in a deep voice," a.... Human? After all this time? Sorry to have woken you up human, but the GB's in this area caught your scent and we need to get moving to the town now." I nod and stand quickly, grabbing Flowey and placing him on my shoulders. Flowey yelps slightly but wraps his vines around my shoulders and I rush after the skeleton, summoning the recurve bow again. He continues until he stops and says," this is taking to long, grab on."

 I nod and grab his arm, suddenly feeling a wave of magic wash over me and we land in a house that seems to have lived out its years with a very loved green couch and broken wooden floors and the skeleton says," good, we're safe here for now, names sans, what's yours kid?" I sigh in relief, setting down Flowey and dismissing my weapon," Sarah, and this is Flowey, how in the name of lightning did you survive so long?" He turns, his infinite smile seemed to widen slightly," i watched the creatures, ran small experiments and so far what I've found out is that they track magic, specifically monster magic, which is why they want to get into the ruins so bad, its the last place with a really high concentration of the stuff. Didn't know they could track human magic till you came around Sarah. But the only reason I haven't been bitten is because of my ability to fold and be aware of space. It allows me to dodge everything that comes at me with my eyes closed. How did you manage to make it so far?"

 I sigh," I haven't even met one of the beasts." He nods," lucky girl then, cause if your trying to get to the barrier, newhome is so full of those creatures you'll be fighting them with every 10 feet." I sigh," any tips you have that could possibly help me?" He stands," yeah, I could teach you some basic dodging techniques." I stand as well and he says," I doubt you've killed anyone so my attacks shouldn't hurt you, but let me know if it really hurts." I nod and get into a position. Sans throws a bone and I sidestep easily, his smile turning to a smirk and I summon a basic shield and turning quickly, blocking the bone that had whirled around behind me just in time. I whirl back around and a skeletal head was charging with energy so I fling my shield at it, it getting stuck in the mouth. The energy discharges and I desperately hold it together and once it runs out of energy I fall to my knees panting but I get up fast and magic slides around my hands like small pieces of flame. He seems surprised that I had made it through that and he relaxes," welp, it looks like your pretty strong if you can stand up to one of my blasters and just be a bit fatigued, just how strong are you human?" I shrug, dismissing my magic," I've never truly tested my limits." He smiles," get some rest, I'll be going out to find some food in waterfall, so I'll be back in a bit, Flowey should wake you if there's trouble." I nod and lay down on the well loved couch, falling into deep sleep.

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