On Different Wings

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Sirens pov

I slowly come to, my bone wings flopping on the ground, that physical membrane gone. I look around and i notice that my hands looked human, so i could switch in between massive dragon, and cute human. That much was nice, i sit up, seeing the bony interlocked tail swish from side to side. An icy wind suddenly whipped through the thin jacket i wore. I look up to see snow in every direction. I needed to find shelter, before i freeze like a popsicle. I keep wandering through snow, my feet getting stuck pretty often, i yank them out and i keep going. Eventually i think i see light and i start running, crying out desperately for help. The light intensified and i see someone come out and to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me toward the light, i let them and once i stumble inside the door shuts and i collapse, shivering to the bone.

A woman's voice asks me," are you alright miss?" I nod and say weakly," just tired and cold" careful hands lift me up and i can see their almost reddish color and dainty appearance, with the trim of a red jacket on them. She sets me down on a couch near a heater and i place my hands close, feeling the heat seep through them and slightly calming my shaking form.
I ask shakily," who are you?" " Carmen, Carmen Sandiego, what's yours?" " Siren, a pleasure, and thank you, did anyone else happen to end up here?" She nods, her mahogany hair bouncing lightly," the other 4 are asleep, although i notice you all look kind of similar, you all have that bony appearance about you. You guys come from a costume party?" I shake my head," this is our real look." She nods," got it, so how'd you end up in the cold anyways?" I think for a moment," we were in this fight, then i just remember falling, and then ending up in the freezing snow." She nods," ok, you get some sleep, I'll have something warm ready for breakfast in the morning." I nod and lay down, and she lays a soft blanket over me. I slowly close my eyes, feeling comfortable and warm as i slip off to sleep.

Siren, the GB hybridWhere stories live. Discover now