an Open Heart

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Siren's pov
I wake up, being back at base and i get up," was i asleep the whole way back?" Nightmare chuckles," yeah, figured i should help you sleep until we stabilized your wing, we put it back in where it belongs, the membranes showing slight signs of healing at least, and error has placed in a temporary membrane so that if you need to, you can fly, not long, but if you need to" i nod," i'll have to thank him in a bit" i jump off the couch i'm on and i walk through the base. Quickly finding error in the training room, barely tapping the punching bag, yet it looked like he was full on punching. I click my claws on the ground to carefully announce my presence as he turns.
" aH sIRen, gLad tO sEe yoU aWaKe." I smile and nod," good to see you too error. Thanks for the temporary wing." He shakes his head with a chuckle," No iSsUe. BEsidEs, i wAsn't THerE tO hElp. IT's tHe lEaSt i cAn dO." I nod, thinking through his words and i sigh," i can defend myself, i just never had to before. He never taught me to use what i knew in an actual combat situation." Error sits down, it being the only way he can look me in the eyes as he normally is 8 feet tall, crazy glitch. "YoUr fAthEr i cAn aSSuMe?" I growl, but i nod," he doesn't deserve that title, he killed my mom, i was only a toddler then." Error sighs, summoning strings that he then softly guides into my chest,making the belly scales glow bright yellow as i feel something familiar being pulled out, a beautiful dandelion yellow heart that had a golden stripe through it.
" iT doEsn't mATteR iF yOu cAll hIm A bLOod rElaTivE, oR oUtcAst hIm, clIngIng tO the pAst oPen's aLl soRtS oF oLd sCaRs heRe, yOu nEeD tO mOvE oN iF yOu don'T wAnT yOur SOuL tO bEcOmE lIkE mINe." I look down at the brilliant heart and i nod." Right, thank you, brother." I hug him and my soul naturally floats back into me and error's body creaks and groans, and he chuckles, glitches appearing on him as he hugs back, being really careful of my wings and his own strength, we pull away and error scoops me up," Hey! I can walk on my own you know!"
He laughs glitchily, saying," bUt yOUr tHe pErFeCt sIzE to fIt iN mY aRMs! I CaN't NoT pIcK yOu uP." I growl, letting my limbs droop." This is humiliating." Nightmare happens to come in to see error headed for the door, happy as can be, with a humiliated dragon in his arms and nightmare chuckles as he steps aside, letting us pass. I let him carry me, it's not like i'm nearly strong enough to stand against him, so i just surrender to my fate as his lap pet. He sits down somewhere, and i softly feel his boney hand rub over my scales, letting out a peculiure sound, but yet it felt so gooood, my body instantly relaxing, having me settle down and i slip into an blissful relaxation as he continues. Curling my tail around error, that strange sound also being rather soothing, helping ignore the soreness in my wing. It doesn't take long to fall into a blissful slumber.
Several weeks pass and my wing has healed in full, and i have been carefully trying to fly again, recalling what the dragon Ignitus had said, spreading my wings and i feel them flap out of my control, carrying me up and after a few minutes i open my eyes, flying with ease and i laugh. With a whoop i flap, swirling into a roll, smiling happily. I dive down and i focus on turning human, and as i land i change, and i look at myself, back in my human form as a piece of hair falls across my face and my eyes widen.
The color, it changed, from fully chocolate brown to half brown on the top half of my hair, and snow white at the tips, that was definatly new. I take a breath, struggling to contain the rising shock and other emotions i couldn't possibly describe that rose like mentos and coca cola soda. Trembling i head for the door of our base, opening it my breath comes in shallow gasps as i manage to shut it with my own body, my wings and tail curling tight around me, fear, shock, hitting my body like 50 tons of bricks. What was happening to me? What was i becoming? My vision faded in and out, before i feel someone grab me and i see Carmen for a moment, before it's replaced with Nightmare and i feel my panic subside, my breathing coming easier, and i sigh in relief and nightmare sighs in relief as well.
" what happened?" " i- i really couldn't tell you. My hair changed, and the instant i noticed i freaked and i couldn't think clearly." " you had a panic attack, just breathe. I have you, just breathe. Tell me what has you so scared." I try to form the words, but all i do is point to my hair and my wings." This.... i'm scared of what i'm becoming." Nightmare chuckles," ah, the situation finally hit you. I've been waiting for that, you sure got some resolve and Determination there Shooting Star." I give him a look," what was that? I mean i don't mind it, but where'd you pull that from?" " from how accurate you are, and the way your eyes shine when your using your magic, it's like a shooting star. I just couldn't resist." I smile, relaxing as he said that." Heh, well i like it Nighty." " oh really? It's gonna be like that?" I laugh," well yeah, you give me a nickname, i gotta follow it up!" He chuckles," alright, fair is fair. I'll get used to it eventually." I smile, standing again, my wings folded against my back and my tail softly dragging on the ground. It felt weird, but good to give Nighty a nickname. Who knows what might come of that?

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