A Supertheifs life

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Sirens pov

I wake up feeling much better then i was last night and i go to sit up and i tumble out of the couch, landing with a huff. I stand on four legs and i realize I'm a small dragon again with the heavy weighted wings. A guy wearing a strange robe comes down and sees me, and he holds his hands out and walks back out and i say," Wait! I'm Siren, Carmen helped me get out of the storm last night." The man stops and says in a thick Chinese accent," ah, so your one of the weirdness that has entered our home." I nod," I'm grateful that she helped us out, can you take me to the others?" He nods and gestures for me to follow. I follow, my claws clicking against the floor softly. He opens a door and leads me through and i see the others and they all looked normal. " heh, so I'm the only one who changed in their sleep." The man looks at me weird and leaves and i wait for the others to wake up.

Error comes to and sees me," so you got stuck in the form from the previous world?" I nod," yep apparently so." He nods," so what happened to you? We looked for you and found nothing, we were worrying that you froze." I nod softly and say," i almost did, Carmen let me in, then i woke up like this." Gesturing to myself in my small dragon state. Error chuckles and gets up," well lets at least see what you can do." I get up and i lash out, missing him by a hair with my tail and i smile. We continue to wrestle so i can learn to fight in my form for now. As the day passes i realize that us 5 are being watched and i stop wrestling and i look over to see carmen in a long red coat and she walks over as i climb out of the pile and she kneels down asking," i was wondering if you and your group could help me out? I need at least 4 people on the field and Shadowsan is out of country and so are Zach and Ivy. I need the help." I nod," yeah, papyrus can be on standby for healing, the rest of us are with you." She smiles and tilts her hat slightly as she stands," ok, you guys get ready, what are your guys skillsets?" I smile and say," error can interact with codes, and he can destroy things on a bomb wide level depending on the situation, Nightmare can cause fear and panic and can basically make people believe what he wants them to.

I can't miss a shot, and i can be a great distraction like this, and sans is a mechanic and a powerhouse, and papyrus is a healer." She nods," yeah i can work with that" she holds out a laptop to error and he tenderly takes it." You can work together with Player, sans you'll be with me in case i need a hand, Siren you'll be the eyes in the sky, and Nightmare you'll be keeping any civilians entering the area. Is there any way to avoid your fear related power?" Nightmare nods," just being exposed to it helps, they're already immune, i can close the door and do a similarly scaled test in here, so that you don't hurt yourself if i have to use it in the field. Trust me, this magic messes with the mind heavily the first time, the second time once you shake it, it becomes easier every time." Carmen nods and shuts the door, locking it," do it, besides maybe it'll help me stay on task better." Nightmare nods," ok, here we go." He focuses and his dark aura slowly pierces the air and wraps around us all, i easily focus and feel it shedding off of me naturally.

Carmen was breathing calmly as he turns up the energy and carmens breathing started becoming shallow as she started sweating. She started shaking and i tell her," breathe, push on word, face whatever your fighting, meet it headon." I could only hope she heard me until nightmare finishes and she collapses but i catch her with my wing and she tries to stand but error takes her and sits her down." Relax, let the energy seep out, it'll take a moment." Carmen nods and puts her head in her hands as she catches her breath." Did you guys see anything when you had to do that?" I nod," i did, my father, he was not very kind to me after mom dissapeared. I went to the open coffin, but nobody told me how it happened." Carmen nods softly as she relaxes and stands," ok lets go." We nod and we put me in a pet carrige and it's extremely tight, but it's the only way to get me through customs without notice. The flight only takes a few hours then once it's over we slip into an alley and i'm let out of the cage and i spread my wings" thank goodness thats over, my wings were going stiff in there" carmen chuckles," sorry, but it was the best we could do to sneak a dragon through customs." I nod," right" i climb out and stretch just to get the stiffness out. We get to the motel we're staying at and i lay down as carmen goes to case the joint. I just hope everything goes fine with the caper

Siren, the GB hybridWhere stories live. Discover now