Dead Sprint

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Sarah's pov
I wake up suddenly by a spark of pain and I sit up, hearing something massive trudging around the house. I stand quietly and Flowey grabs onto me. Summoning a weapon right now is certain death. I needed to find a way out. I stay low to the ground as I move through the house. I find a back window that I could slip through if I was careful. I slowly open the window and I slip through with ease.

I set Flowey down on the ground and I wave for him to run. He nods and dips below the soil. I slowly creep around and I see one of the many creatures that sans was talking about. It looked like a massive lizard, except it looked skinny and looked like it was wreathed in magical flame. Its massive skull looked similar to Sans's blaster head. I did my best not to make too much noise as I backed away then I realized something, these things had to have super hearing to pinpoint its opponents. I hold out a hand, focusing on making an airhorn. Once it appeared I smirked, running up by the creature as it looked over and snarled with a smoke undertone, the flames shining brighter and I blast the airhorn, making a concussive burst of sound to the creature, which yelped and covered its head. I kept doing it as I ran toward the forest, in a desperate attempt to get away. I dismiss the airhorn once I'm far enough and I simply run. A few more try to give chase but I find a way around them by diving into water. On the third time the creature dove in and showed off its fins with a barely held smile. This one wasn't totally mindless, I go up to the surface and make a platform with magic. Maybe I can save them, they crash to the surface and step onto land, seems to be wanting an even battlefield, so it was a warrior.

I leap forward, using the airhorn as a distraction and it looks that way while I climb on top of it and I pour all I had into them. The bones slowly diminish and it screams, which fade into weak pants as she forms into a fish monster with a destroyed black shirt and leggings. My exhaustion threatened to overtake me but I threw water on my face to keep myself awake. I lift her up and take her to a secluded cavern and I use the last of my strength to cave in the entrance. I fall to the ground and I swiftly pass out on the hard rocky ground.
???'s pov
What? Where? How am I alive? I slowly open my eyes and look at myself, realizing that my clothes are a mess and the area was full of stale human magic, wait human magic? I look around and I see a human sleeping nearby, somehow she destroyed my virus. But how?! Nobody was able to find a cure before I got bitten. I slowly place the human against the wall and I check her. It reads out like this
Sarah Silco

Hp: 75/75

Attack: 50

Defense: 15

Is extremely tired from dispelling the virus from one person who she saw as savable, will be up in 4 hours.

Was tormented by her dad and is on the run from him, hope he gets bit. Doesn't like people getting too deep into her life.

Then the check closes and she stirs, curling up and starts twitching, whoops, maybe shouldn't have checked her in such a delicate state. Her eyes slowly flutter open and she asks," are you the monster I saved from becoming a mindless GB?" I nod," thanks for that, can you move there human? Also names Undyne." She smiles and slowly tries to stand, standing straight." You'll have to help me move the boulder in our way that I dropped to keep those beasts out." I smile," not a problem, I'll have it up in a second, how'd you even do that anyway?" I place my hands around the boulder and I lift it up as she says," I used the last of my magic to blast that bit apart, passed out right after though." She chuckles," also names Sarah, its a pleasure Undyne." I smile and grab her hand, pulling her off the wall," so why'd you save me? Out of all the GB's at least." She smiles," there was something about you that was different, you still had a shard of fight in you that none of the others did. So I poured all my strength into you and you came back." She still smiled softly as she carried a air horn in her hands and I summon my blue spear, walking out in front of her. We continue on for awhile in silence and before we arrive in hotland she said," dismiss your weapon, the more magic we use, the easier those beasts can track us, and besides, the heat will drain us fast and you know that." I nod," agreed, we should stop here and rest, its the most secluded for now, I'll take the first watch." She softly nods then lays against the cavern wall, falling asleep instantly. I smile softly and keep an eye on the entrance of this cavern.

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