alone again

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Sarah's pov
I slowly wake up to Undyne shaking me and she says," come on, we gotta move if we're gonna get past the beasts." I open my eyes and stand, feeling a million times better then when I last woke up. We quickly move through the caverns of hotland, to avoid heat stroke we stopped at a small water station and drank our fill, then headed out to the supposed lab of the underground. We continue on our way and I ask Undyne," do you think most of the GB's died of starvation? Cause all the ones I've seen are horribly skinny." She nods," wouldn't be surprised if your right and we just had to wait out for them to die of starvation before rebuilding, but we'll see once we get to newhome"

 My hands shake at the thought of having to go there. Undyne seemed to notice and placed her hands on my shoulders to steady me." You'll be fine, besides we're pretty much almost there and you have the captain of the Royal guard here to defend you." I smile," we'll see once we get to the lab." She nods and we continue, arriving at the lab in a hour, the beasts must hate hotland as much as we do because we haven't seen hide nor bone of those creatures. We step inside the lab to find it trashed from head to toe. Undyne shook her head softly and I let her be as we walked through the lab, stopping to rest in a break room, where Undyne locked the door and said that we should sleep before heading out. I nod in agreement and we lay down on two loved white couches, falling into a deep sleep.
A bit later
I wake up and I see that Undyne is gone. I look around the whole floor of the lab and no sign of Undyne or a note to wherever she went. I hoped that she was ok and I continue through hotland, encountering GB's but I usually just blasted my foghorn and ran. I manage to get to the entrance of newhome with another day of traveling. I rest in a crevice in a wall that wasn't too tight for me, but I just relax and let my magic return. I continue on and sure enough, it takes ages to get through newhome because I'm having to fight the GB's, yet somehow I've never been bitten. After awhile of fighting I find a small camp and I see sans, shivering while holding his arm, which was leaking red marrow. He stopped me as I drew close," please Sarah, just go, leave me to die here alongside my brothers dust. I don't have long before I turn." And I say," I can save you, I was able to purge the infection from Flowey and Undyne, of course where they went I have no idea. But I can save you at least, and then we can bury your brother on the surface, how does that sound?" He looked over to me," you expect to make it through newhome and asgores palace without getting bitten?" " I haven't so far have I?" 

Showing him my untouched limbs. He softly nods for me to help, holding out his mangled arm. I wrap my hands around it and pull on my magic, forcing the virus to stop to fight my magic, but it was in vain and my power won out in a blast of yellow light. Once it was done I let go and fall to the ground, panting heavily. He looks at his mostly fixed arm in surprise," well then kiddo, you were right, now lets get to the surface."

Siren, the GB hybridWhere stories live. Discover now