Chapter Seven: Make Up

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"I can't believe you guys still can't agree on names for them!" laughed Poe. Ben and Rey looked at each other and smiled.

Finn, Rose, and Poe had dropped by Ben and Rey's small home on Naboo to "check up on them." Ben and Rey both knew that the trio was more interested in their two little ones than how the new parents were doing.

"Yeah," Ben laughed, "I really want to name him Han, but Rey says--"

"I love the man that had the name, but I hate the name." Rey finished for him. "And I want to name her in honor of Leia, but Ben says--"

"We can't name our daughter Leia and our son Han, because that would be weird."

"Well if you would just let us name our son something other than Han, it would be a non-issue," Rey said, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she turned to Ben.

"I don't understand why you hate that name so much!" Ben said, defensive.

"It's ridiculous! I-"

"What do you mean it's ridiculous?" Ben stood, cutting her off.


Poe watched as the couple argued in loud whispers, trying not to wake the twins as they slept in their cribs, remaining as calm as their fiery personalities would allow.

Poe couldn't help but laugh. The arguments that Ben and Rey had were actually pretty adorable. They reminded him of his early days in the Resistance, when Han and Leia were still together. They used to bicker like this, and five minutes later Poe would be sent to get the general only to find that she and Han were making out in the shadows of the hallway. Rey and Ben's relationship wasn't much different.

Shaking his head, Poe left the living room and made his way to their kitchen. Finn and Rose were at the counter, fixing some sort of dessert. C-3PO stood nearby, reciting the recipe as best he could. Poe went over to the dining room table and pulled out a chair, flipping it around and sitting backward.

"They fighting again?" Finn asked.

"Yeah," Poe chuckled. In the few hours that they had been visiting, the couple had gotten into more than five arguments.

"They don't have their lightsabers on them, do they?" Rose asked, only half joking. She had a somewhat genuinely concerned expression on her face. Given Rey and Kylo's history of long, heated battles, both physical and verbal, it wasn't surprising Rose was nervous. A new baby added a lot of stress to a marriage, not to mention two new babies that were totally unexpected until a few months ago. And Rose hadn't been around to see how Han and Leia used to fight and then make up and make out.

"Trust me, Rose, they'll be fine," Poe reassured. "In fact..." A smug smile came across Poe's face as he remembered a story Leia had told him once about C-3PO.

"Hey Threepio!" Poe called.

"Yes, Master Poe," he responded, turning to him.

"I think I heard Rey calling for you to bring her some milk for the baby."

"Oh, she did?"


"Sir my audio sensors did not detect any-"

"Threepio," Poe interrupted, "just do it."

"Oh," he said, obviously confused and frazzled, "yes sir."

He shuffled over to where the milk was stored and poured a bit into a baby bottle. He put the lid on and shuffled into the living room with one final confused glance at Poe.

Equally confused, Finn and Rose both arched an eyebrow at Poe.

"You'll see," he said.


Rey stood as well, putting her hands on her hips and walking over to Ben. "Exactly that! The name Han is ridiculous! It's outdated and it... it just... we are not naming him Han," she whispered loudly.

Ben moved closer to Rey, their faces now inches apart. Rey looked up at him, her eyes still fiery with passion but a little less angry. Neither one of them spoke.

"How do you feel about the name Ben?" he asked quietly. "It resonates strength and dignity and reminds me of someone really handsome," he said, moving even closer, a twinkle in his eye.

Rey couldn't help laughing a little bit at Ben's sense of humor. Being this close to him always made her weak. With one touch he could break down all her defenses.

The smile was all it took. Ben closed the last few millimeters between them and kissed her softly. "Ben you know you can't just avoid this discussion-"

He put a finger to her lips and leaned in for another kiss. "Ben I'm serious, you can't just seduce your way out of-"

Ben tangled his fingers into her hair and kissed her firmly. She couldn't resist again. "I hate you, you know that?"


"Mistress Rey, you called?"

Ben and Rey drew back slowly and looked at Threepio.

"What?" Ben asked, clearing his throat, obviously annoyed.

"Master Poe said that Mistress Rey asked me to bring her some milk for the--"

He was interrupted as Ben grabbed the milk bottle out of his hand and stormed into the kitchen.

"Well," remarked Threepio, "I guess you won't be needing that then?"

Rey just rolled her eyes, fixed her hair, and followed Ben into the kitchen while Threepio trailed behind, calling out to Poe, "Sir, I thought you said they were fighting!?" 

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