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Unlike Han and Leia, Ben and Rey Solo went on to live a long, beautiful, happy life with each other, and unlike the rest of the Skywalker family, they were able to leave their past behind and move forward --- tragedy did not follow them.

Shortly after naming Janay and Jarek, Rey became pregnant again, with one baby this time. Although the pregnancy wasn't as hard on her this time, the labor was brutal. But Ben was right beside her the whole time, holding her hand and coaching her through the process. After a grueling 17 hours, Rey delivered a healthy baby boy.

After much deliberation, they named him Von, which means "hope."

It was nearly another twelve years before Ben and Rey had another child. This time, after a pregnancy filled with nine months of morning, afternoon, and evening sickness Rey delivered a beautiful baby girl.

By this time, Rey and Ben had gotten much better at agreeing on names. They named their second daughter Hana, meaning "one," a symbol of the unity that Ben and Rey shared.

The galaxy remained at peace for some time, with only minor political hiccups here and there from time to time.

Finn ended up marrying Jannah, the x-stormtrooper he met on Kef Bir. They moved to Passanah, taking Lando Calrissian, who they had discovered to be Jannah's father, with them. Finn and Jannah had one child and remained good friends with Ben and Rey until their deaths.

Poe and Zori, the spice runner from Kijimi, went back to their hometowns after the defeat of the Final Order to help with relief and reconstruction efforts.

In a surprising twist, Armitage Hux survived the shot to the chest given to him by General Pryde. After several failed attempts at creating a new evil regime, he exiled himself to a planet on the outer rim where he met and became unlikely friends with Rose, who was there on an intelligence mission. She taught him how to see the good in people, and he eventually came around to the idea of being a good guy. They were married after nearly ten years of friendship. Rose and Rey remained close friends for many years, but Ben and Hux only managed to tolerate each other for the sake of their wives when they had to.

All four of the Solo children grew into adulthood, marrying and having children of their own.

Ben and Rey remained in Naboo, having their own adventures until Rey was diagnosed with Dessert Fever at the age of 77, the aftermath of her childhood on Jakku.

A mystery to doctors, Ben's energy seemed to dwindle as Rey's condition grew worse. They both passed away on the same day, in each other's arms, their children and grandchildren by their sides.

Although the family mourned their loss, they were grateful. It was only after many long years of happy marriage, peace, and passionate devotion to one another that the story of these two star crossed lovers became the legends that would be told for generations to come. 

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