Chapter Six: Two Times

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Another contraction, much stronger this time, radiated across Rey's abdomen to her back and down her legs. She gritted her teeth against the pain and let out a scream. Ben's deep, gentle voice kept reminding her to take deep breaths, to focus on him, to think about anything else besides the pain that she was in.

After nearly a minute Rey's grasp on Ben's hand loosened as the pain lessened. "It's not," she panted, "supposed to happen... this fast." Her water had broken only 20 minutes ago. She and Ben had been out on a walk when it happened. They had come stumbling in the door, Rey almost unable to stand as the contractions grew stronger with every minute. Ben carried her into their room and laid her softly on their bed just in time for another contraction to begin. He slipped his hand into hers.

"Do you want me to try to go get the doctor?"

"No, I-" The pain grew worse and Rey was unable to speak. Somehow she managed to squeeze Ben's hand even harder than she already was and he tried not to wince in pain.

Ben had to steady himself, trying to think of things he could say to help calm Rey down all while trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his hand... he was pretty sure Rey had dislocated his thumb with as tight as she was squeezing.

The contraction came to an end, and Rey knew she only had seconds before the next one began. These babies were coming right now, whether she and Ben were ready or not.

"You're going to have to deliver them," Rey said.

"What?!" Ben asked, sure that he hadn't heard her correctly.

Another contraction began and all Rey could do was motion to the foot of their bed and push Ben towards it. Curling the sheets in both of her hands, Rey tried not to scream too loudly. She had never been in this much pain.

Ben stood at the foot of their bed and took a deep breath. He had absolutely no clue what he was doing. 

"I have... a bad feeling... about this." Rey gasped. Ben chuckled in spite of the situation. "You and me both," he muttered.

With the next contraction, Rey began to push. Ben tried to keep his voice steady, coaching (or trying to coach) her through the process, reminding her to breathe. Rey drew in shallow breaths when she could. She decided in that moment that she never wanted to have kids again. Not unless she could be sure she got the right medicine for the pain next time.

"You're almost there," she heard Ben say. "I think," he muttered to himself.

Rey gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, pushing for the final time. After a moment of silence, she heard a high pitched cry. She looked up and saw Ben, hands shaking, as he smiled down at their son in his arms. Rey smiled too. He was beautiful. Tears of joy mingled with her tears of pain and for a moment she forgot about all the agony she had been in. Then another contraction began.

Ben saw Rey's face begin to twist in pain again and quickly lay their son down in the cradle that they had set up in their bedroom in preparation for their children's birth.

"Alright, one more time Rey. You can do this. Just breathe," Ben reminded as he prepared to deliver their daughter.

Once again, Rey dug her fingers into the sheets and tried to take a breath. She pushed until the pressure and pain eased. The cries of their daughter mingled with those of their son.

Picking up their son, Ben lay him in Rey's arms, hands shaking. He sat down on the edge of their bed, cradling their daughter.

Rey stroked her son's face.

"Shhh, shhh, were here," Rey soothed. She reached over and her daughter wrapped her tiny fingers around Rey's. "We'll always be here," she whispered.

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