My Everything

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A/N: This is part two to My Love (the third one). This is where it gets different from the story that inspired it so I am not copying but still credit to Flowerblossom11 (In her one, she mentions that she got a request for it and has seen it done before and that she did not intentionally copy anyone. I just wanted to say that if this seems to copy your story or someone's, it was not done intentionally. ) Now, on with the show!

I woke up, still chained. I felt different like a weight on my heart had been lifted. None of this felt real like I wasn't truly there.

I couldn't think about anything other than one person, Varian. The cutest boy I'd ever met and the smartest too. Where was he? This was his lab after all.

"Varian!" I exclaimed

I'm not sure he could've heard me over the deafening sounds clanking metal.

"Varian!" I exclaimed once more but louder.

I wanted to see him. No, I NEEDED to see him. He couldn't do this, not alone anyways. Well, whatever he was planning. I didn't know. The only thing I was sure was that I loved them more than anything. My family and friends were nothing compared to him. I was his love and he was my everything.

The deafening metal noise stopped and was replaced with footsteps, The footsteps continued and got louder as Varian approached me.

He asked, "Did you say my name, my love?"

Since I was on the floor, I had to look up to see him. His diamond blue eyes were mesmerizing. I couldn't stop staring.

"I see you did. My solution worked, my love"

He crouched down and kissed my check. I could feel my checks turning a bright red.

"My love," He whispered into my ear "Will you help me?"

"Yes! You're my everything" I happily answered.

I didn't mean to say that last part. It kind of slipped out. I didn't care if helping him meant hurting my family and friends. I only cared about him.

"That solution must be pretty strong for you to say that, my love" He admitted before pulling me into a kiss. His lips on mine. I could've sworn I was in Heaven. It felt like nothing else mattered. No one else mattered. The only people in the world were me and him. I didn't want it to end. It seemed like the best thing in the world.

Unfortunately, the kiss had to come to an end. A person could only go so long without breathing.

He unlocked my chains. He instructed me on what to do and I did whatever I was told. I wasn't planning on losing him.

*Insert "Ready as I'll Ever Be"* (Yes, I really did just write that. So just play the song if you want. Or imagine a time skip. The choice is yours. The girl. I, you? Y/n? Well she just like stood there during the song)

I was hiding just as I was told. Queen Ariana was chained by my side.

I heard the king say, "Varian, I demand you release us and tell my where the queen and y/n are."

Varian remarked back, "Your Majesty, I know it's hard for you, but for the first time in your life you are in no position to demand anything. But in the spirit of compromise, how 'bout I meet ya halfway?"

He pulled the curtain back.

Rapunzel gasped, "Mom! Y/N! Varian, what did you to Y/n?"

"I'm okay, Rapunzel" The queen said.

I moved away from the queen and took my place right at Varian's side.Course, it didn't help that he moved.

"I would never do anything to hurt my love!" He exclaimed.

His love. That was the dream and I was living it.

Varian threatened the queen and Rapunzel caved just like I knew she would.

This wasn't going to work. The sundrop doesn't destroy.

Unfortunately, I came to that conclusion too late. It didn't work. Varian was pissed and launched plan B. I was to stay where I was for my safety.

I watched him act out plan B. It didn't work either. Those stupid black rocks! They caused too many problems! I ran outside. He needed me.

I saw the guards start to take him away.

"No! No!" I cried.

I tried to run to him but two guards grabbed me.

I thrashed, "Let me go!

Their grip was too strong. I saw my Varian, my love, my everything, being put into a jail cart and wheeled away. No. This couldn't be happening. Nothing felt real. This was all just a bad dream, right?

"Keep a hold of her. Someone will need to keep an eye on her until the love potion wears off" The queen told the guards holding me back from my everything.

The guards walked me all the way back to the palace and even into a guest room in one of the towers. My everything was gone. I had to get him back.

For the next two days, I had guards positioned in the room with me. After that, the love potion wore off. If it weren't for the guards, I'm pretty sure I would've broke Varian out or at least attempted to. I knew the next time I saw him wouldn't be for a long while.

(See? I told you. Pretty different from My Queen. Well more like the part two of My Queen, My King. There will be a part three.)

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