Royal Alchemist AU- Under Raps

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A/N: Yes, I know Varian wasn't in this episode but this is an AU.

The day of Hearts. Big Nose just finished telling the tale of the origin of the holiday. You weren't the biggest fan of that story. It was just an eh kind of story. People were lining up to sign the book. How there were still pages left after all these years, no one knew. It was a mystery to never be explained.

Cass just stormed off. She didn't like this holiday. You weren't a big fan of it either. You've heard about people getting cards and professing their love to each other on this day. That never happened to you. When your dad's the captain of the royal guard, boys tend to steer clear of you.

You went back inside the castle. You got bored just standing there. Besides, you had a special art project you were working on.

You went up into your room. Your desk was covered with art supplies. Today was the day of hearts and you were going to get Varian to notice you. This art project was not the way you were going to do that. It was just for fun. You made a special dress just for dinner tonight.

The art project was more or less just a bunch of paper hearts with Varian, Y/n X Varian, or Your/first/initial X V on it. You were going to glue them all done to a poster board and then hide that poster board underneath your bed.

You added some pink glitter because everything is better with glitter. You let your little project out to dry on your desk. You changed into the special dress you had designed for tonight. It was teal blue, Varian's favorite color, with some red accents because of the day of hearts. It was an amazing dress and you look beautiful in it. Since you made it, it fit perfectly.

You left your room and closed your door. It was about time for dinner. This was sure to get his attention, right? It certainly would get attention from any other guys, well the ones who were your age anyways.

Your dad asked,"Y/n, can you go tell Rapunzel and Cass it's time for dinner?"

"Yeah, no problem" you told him.

Except there was a little problem. You didn't know where they were. You checked their rooms but they weren't there. You decided to check out side. You saw Rapunzel.

You almost said something to her when you noticed Cass leaving. Rapunzel started following her and you followed Rapunzel. You didn't notice Rapunzel wasn't the only one following Cass. (Hint hint, it's Varian)

Cass was out at the docks. Strange place for her to be when it's dinner time. A strange man with way too much hair came over to Cass and gave her a rose. That dude needed a hair cut. 

And Rapunzel fell into the water. Cass and the strange hairy man helped her out of the water and on to the dock. You didn't get a good feeling from this dude your sister was with. He seemed suspicious but you knew your sister could handle herself. No man should have that much hair. The dude gave Rapunzel his jacket. 

Rapunzel fell into the water again but she got out. You followed her home up until the castle steps.

You finally spoke up, "Rapunzel, please don't press Cass about her love life. I don't get a good feeling from that guy. I know she can handle things herself. She'll tell you more when she's ready. Also it's time for dinner"

Rapunzel told you, "Oh. I agree to a point but I should probably change before dinner. By the way, I love your dress"

"Thanks, I made it myself"

"Really? It looks great"


"You made it to impress Varian, didn't you?"

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