The Guy Who Has Everything

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Italicized means they're singing

It's been years since Zhan Tiri's defeat. Varian was the royal engineer and you were the royal *insert whatever position you want here*.

You and Varian have been dating for three years now. You were both nineteen years old well you were turning nineteen today. It was your birthday so you had the day off. You didn't know what your boyfriend Varian was planning.

He was planning a surprise party for you in the throne room.

"Lance, a little more to the left" Varian said as Lance and Eugene were hanging a poster.

Lance moved the poster a little more to the left.

"Perfect" Varian said as Lance and Eugene hung the poster.

Rapunzel told him, "Y/n is going to love this, Varian but shouldn't you be distracting her right now?"

Realization slapped Varian in the face, "Oh. Yeah you're right but can I tell you something?"

"Of course, Varian" She responded.

Rapunzel and Varian went off to a corner in the room.

Varian confessed, "I want to propose to y/n"

She exclaimed, "That's great news!"

Varian sang [to the tune of "The Girl Who Has Everything (Reprise)"], "I'm gonna be the guy who as everything. Soon as she wears this ring and swears that she's mine. True, we don't know what obstacles day may bring but why put off everything when we can share everything? Cause once she's my everything, then everything will be fine"

Varian showed Rapunzel the ring which was in a box that he kept in his pocket.

Rapunzel told him, "Varian, she's going to love it but-"

Varian cut her off, "I know. I've got to distract Y/n for the day while you guys set up"

You were in your room, getting dressed. Today was your nineteenth birthday. Varian was going to spend the whole day with you. It was going to be the best birthday ever!

You wore a special dress that was your/favorite/color that Rapunzel got for you to wear today. It was  the best dress you owned.

Someone knocked on your door and you opened it. It was your boyfriend, Varian, ready to start your day together.

"Y/n, you look beautiful" he told you.

You said, "Thanks"

He offered you his hand, "Shall we get started, my lady?"

My lady was one of the many cute nicknames Varian had for you. Others included sweetheart, honey, and kitty.

You took his hand, "Yes, we shall"

The two of started off your day with breakfast at the local cafe. He had French toast and you had your/favorite/breakfast/food.

After breakfast, he bought you a few of your favorite flowers. He was so sweet.

"You didn't have to buy me flowers, Varian" you told him.

"I know. I love you and I want you to be happy especially on your birthday" Varian said.

"I love you too"

You kissed Varian on the check as a thank you. The rest of the day was wonderful. The best day ever. You didn't think it could get any better. You had a romantic picnic in the park under the great oak tree. You two went on a trail ride after that. Varian nearly fell off Max. That was hilarious. He was fine. That night, he walked you back to the palace.

You told him, "Varian, today has just been the best. I'm glad I got to spend it with you"

"I'm glad I got to spend today with you. It was really special"

Varian was holding your hand and he kissed you on top of your forehead before he opened the door to the throne room. You weren't sure why you were going to the throne room.

"Surprise!" A bunch of your friends shouted at you.

You were so overwhelmed with shock and happiness that you nearly cried. You couldn't help but to smile.

"Guys, I think we broke y/n" commented Lance.

"I'm not broken" you said, "Just surprised is all"

Rapunzel told you, "It was all Varian's idea. He planned the entire thing"

You stated, "Varian. You didn't have to do this"

"I did this because I love you" Varian admitted.

The party started after you arrived. The first activity you guys did was open your presents. Rapunzel got you paint and paint brushes. Eugene got you a watch. Lance and the girls got you some new books. Varian wanted you to open his gift last. It was a card.

You opened the card and read it out loud, "Look at me"

What? You turned to see Varian on one knee with a box in his hand. The box had a ring in it. The most gorgeous ring you've ever seen.

You managed to say, "Oh my gosh"

Varian asked, "Y/n, will you marry me?"

You couldn't speak. Everything was too surprising and overwhelming. You've been waiting for this since you were a little girl.

"Yes!" You exclaimed.

Varian got up from his knee and slid the ring onto your left ring finger. He pulled you into a kiss. The best kiss ever. You were so happy. This was the best day ever.

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