My New Girl

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Another Part in the My Love Series. Honestly you don't really need to have read the other ones to understand what's going on.

You know what? I'm going to keep these series going for as long as I want. I came up with the idea for this one while writing what I wanted to be the finale. So there's at least one more part after this. Probably two cause I have another idea. These next few parts will be a bit different from the first ones.

You were good friends with Varian. It's been about two years since you become friends again. You've both matured and Varian. Wow. You thought he was cute before. Puberty was hitting him like a truck. It was hilarious when his voice got all high all of a sudden but that stopped happening. (I have no idea how boy puberty works, ok?) His voice was slightly deeper now. Other girls have started to notice him. OTHER GIRLS! Before, you, Cass, and Rapunzel were the only girls who actually talked to him.

You and Varian were out in town shopping. You were in the sweet shoppe and bakery while Varian was at the book store. You got a dozen cupcakes. Obviously you wouldn't eat them all just the two of you. You got more than you needed.

You left the sweet shoppe and bakery but you didn't see Varian. You two agreed that whoever finished first would meet the other at their location.

You went into the bookstore. Technically you weren't supposed to bring food in the store. You nearly dropped the cupcakes when you saw Varian talking to another girl. You didn't drop the cupcakes but your jaw dropped.

Someone tapped your shoulder and you turned around. It was the shop owner. It was because you had food, wasn't it?

You said, "Oh, sorry. I'll go outside and wait with the cupcakes"

The book shop owner nodded in agreement. You left and had to wait outside. You waited for fifteen minutes before Varian came out.

You impatiently tapped your foot, "What took you so long?"

Varian responded, "Sorry. I was just talking to a girl. Her name is Maddie. She's pretty cool. We're going out on a date tonight. Do you think we could reschedule?"

This time you really dropped the cupcakes. A date? A date? Who was this Maddie anyways? What did she have that you didn't? A date with Varian is what.

He asked, "Are you okay? You dropped the cupcakes"

No, you weren't okay. Not only did you drop the cupcakes, Varian had a date with a girl you didn't know.

"Errr, I'm fine. Just surprised is all" You told him.

He asked, "Surprised I have a date?"

"Would you be offended if I said yes?"

"Kind of, yeah"

"Then no. I'm not surprised you have a date. I'm just surprised you asked to reschedule"

"Well, we're going out tonight so I don't really have time to hang out"

"You didn't even get the books! You know what, it's fine. I'll just see you around"

You picked you the cupcakes and left. You couldn't figure out why Varian going on a date upset you so much. Sadly you had to throw the cupcakes away after you dropped them. You moped all the way back to the castle. (I'm saying you live in the castle because your parents work there)

Eugene saw you and decided to say something, ""Hey Y/n. I thought you were supposed to be out with Varian today"

You didn't answer. You were just too upset.

Rapunzel told him,"I got this, Eugene"

She walked up to you, "Hey, are you okay? You seem a little down"

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