New Saporia AU Part II

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Two people actually said they'd like to see a part two! @St4rl1ght5 and Varia4Life  don't think I'm spelling Supporia correctly. Saporia? Supporia? Sapporia? I'm just going to keep spelling it supporia (at least in the this one shot) unless someone corrects me then I'll change it. Edit: Someone corrected me so now I'm changing it to Saporia. So on with the show!

You were keeping an eye on the princess on her friends. Varian was busy making more of his truth potion or as he would call it, truth serum in his makeshift lab.

The skilled alchemist added the final drop of the last ingredient. It was done. It was only a matter of time before his father could be freed from the amber.

"It's ready" the alchemist said to no one.

He slipped the vial of truth into his coat pocket and left the lab. He was in the halls on his way to the dungeon when he overheard Peter, Andrew's younger brother, talking to a few other separatists of Saporia.

"Fine. Fine. I'll admit it. I do like y/n" said Peter.

For some reason, this sparked anger in Varian. He turned the corner to face Peter.

"What did you just say?" Varian asked.

"He totally likes y/n" One of the separists replied.

Peter muttered, "Gee, thanks a lot"

Varian asked, "Can you guys leave? I want to talk to Peter alone?"

The only reason they obliged was because they had better things to do.

"So you like y/n" Varian stated.

Peter gulped. Varian was NOT a person who you wanted to mess with. Varian threw a pink ball at Peter's feet which stuck him to the floor.

"Stay away from y/n. Are we clear?"

Peter nodded.

"Good. Now have fun getting out of that sticky situation"

Varian left Peter in the hall stuck to the floor. He made his way to the dungeons and the cells that were holding the princess and her friends. Y/n was there watching them.

"Time to learn the truth" Varian remarked.

"If you think that I'm going to drink that, then you're wrong" said Rapunzel.

"Well, there is always another way to get the truth" You eyed Eugene as you said that.

Rapunzel questioned you, "What do mean? Another way?"

"Take the potion or Ryder gets it. It's a threat. Gosh, you were in that tower for way too long"

"Y/n! We're not hurting Flynn Ryder" Varian exclaimed.

"I never said I was going to hurt him. I was just going to do what I did to Lance earlier"

Rapunzel stated, "You wouldn't".

Eugene said, "Uh, I wouldn't test her if I were you, blondie".

"Your boyfriend's right, you know" You told her.

"Uh, Princess. I would answer her if I were you. What she did was not the nicest" said Lance.

You asked him, "But you were you hurt?"

"Emotionally or physically?"

You didn't answer his attempt at a joke.

"Alright. I wasn't hurt physically but emotionally, yes"

You rolled your eyes at Lance's statement.

"Don't you want my father to be free?" Varian asked.

Rapunzel shot back, "Yes but not like this! Varian, you know this isn't right!"

"Listen, we don't need another morality speech. We've heard plenty, trust me" you remarked.

One of the other saporians came over you and tapped your shoulder. What on earth could they possibly want?

"We've got a bit of a situation upstairs. Well more like Peter does" they told you.

A situation? Peter? You did not want to deal with this. Peter had a crush on you and could not take a hint.

You reluctantly said, "Fine, I'll go fix it"

You left with the other saporian and went upstairs.

"Varian, please. We were friends" Rapunzel pleaded as if that would change Varian's mind.

"After your memory gets erased, we can friends again. Learn to trust again" Varian told them.

"Varian, you know life doesn't work that way"

Eugene remarked, "However psychotic y/n may be, it's not an excuse to use her"

Varian said, "Use her? I'm not using her. She's one of my new friends. I trust her"

The way he said I trust her made Rapunzel realize what she had previously thought was wrong. Varian does love you. He's not using you.

"You're in love with y/n?" said Rapunzel.

"In love? With y/n? What? No, I have no idea what you're talking about" scoffed Varian.

Lance commented, "I think he's got it bad"

"Lance! Be quiet!" exclaimed Varian.

"Varian, we can be friends again if you just let us go. We can fix this. I promise" said Princess Rapunzel.

"Promise? You promise? I'm sorry, princess ,but I know first hand how well you keep promises"

The former thief known as Flynn Ryder said, "Blondie, let me try. Varian, we're team awesome, remember? Listen, you're a smart kid and you had good intentions. You just wanted to set your father free and things got out of hand. We can help you free your father. You just have to earn your second chance"

Varian responded, "Earn my second chance? You think anyone's going to give me a second chance?"

"Dude you live in Corona, like the most forgiving kingdom ever" remarked Lance.

"Not the time, Lance" stated Eugene.

Upstairs, you used the neutralizing particles to set Peter free from his sticky situation.

Peter teased, "I'm forever in your debt"

You rolled your eyes at his attempt to flirt with you.

"Peter, Peter, Peter. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm interested in someone else?"

He grabbed your left arm, "You know I don't care about that".

Without thinking, you used your free arm and punched him square in the face. He let you go out of shock. His nose started bleeding. He deserved it. Dude was a bit of a creep. Before he could do anything else, you bolted back down to the dungeons.

"Did you get anything from them?" You asked.

"Just another sappy speech" answered Varian.

Eugene/Flynn Ryder was offended, "Sappy? Excuse you, my speeches are not sappy. Blondie's speeches maybe but not mine!"

You stated, "Ugh, why don't you just tell us how to free Quirin already? That way, we can erase your memories sooner. Wait a second, why don't we just erase Ryder's memories? Maybe then the princess will tell us"

Eugene/Flynn Ryder corrected you, It's Eugene"

"Does it look like I care?"

Rapunzel finally caved, "Fine, I'll tell you. There's another incantation"

A strange voice echoed through the dungeons, "Hello, hair-stripe. Nice to meet you"

You turned to see a white haired women with half an orange face. You had no idea who she was or how she could know Varian. She had this weird symbol over her clothes: a circle with three lines through it. You wondered who she was, why she was here, and what she could want.

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