Children of the Brotherhood

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Your mother was Adira. She said that your destinies were lying in different directions when she left you two years ago. That was just her way of saying that her work is more important than her daughter. For the past two weeks, you've been in Old Corona. No one has noticed you, of course. You were amazing at blending in. No one ever questioned your white hair that you got from your mother.

You were up in a tree staring down at a boy near your age who had a pet raccoon. You knew he was Varian, son of Quirin. He was doing something with the Captain of the royal guard. You could tell it was the captain because of his outfit.

"Team awesome!" They both exclaimed as they high fived each other.

Then there was a snap. The branch you were on came crashing down with you on it.

The captain asked, "Is it just me or did a girl just fall from that tree?"

They both ran over to you to see if you were okay.

You got up and said, "For the record, I totally meant to do that and I was not spying"

You were totally spying. More like stalking actually. For the past two weeks, you've been watching the teenage alchemist, Varian. For some reason, he completely captivated you. You didn't know what it was about him that intrigued you so much. Maybe it was how different your lives were or maybe it was his adorable face.

"Who are you?" Asked the boy you've been stalking for the past two weeks.

You replied, "I'm Y/n"

"Why were you in a tree?" asked the Captain.

"That's none of your business" you responded.

Varian asked, Are you okay? It looks like your face is bleeding"

You didn't feel any blood on your face. He was probably referring to your orange face paint. You had the symbol of the brother hood on your left cheek.

You answered, "That's just some face paint"

Varian asked, "Hold up, is that a sword?"


"Why do you have a sword?"

You shot back, "Why don't you have a sword?"

The captain commented, "Orange face paint, a sword, and white hair. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were related to Adira"

"I am" you said.

They both gasped.

You told them, "She's my mother"

The captain laughed, "Yeah right. Like Adira would ever have a kid"

You remarked back, "She does, fish skin"

"Okay, now I see the family relation. But if you're Adria's daughter, what are you doing here?"

You stated, "I haven't seen my mother in two years. I'm here because I go where I want to when I want to"

"I do think your face is actually bleeding. I think I see blood" Varian said before fainting.

The captain caught him before he could fall to the ground.

"Is he okay?" You asked.

"He's fine. He just has a slight phobia of blood. We should take him inside"

"Slight? And yes, you should take him inside"

You followed the captain as he carried the unconscious boy into what you presumed was the boy's house.

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