there's nowhere else that i'd rather be than with you

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title: shelter - finneas

elizabeth's POV

 5 days later*


christmas is pretty much tomorrow and i have no idea what's going to happen. am i just gonna be here all alone? what about the doctors? do they go home? 

that sounds lowkey kinda spooky though, spending all night alone in a hospital. 

someone should write a movie about that.

damn, i bet it's already a movie

back to the point, i need to figure out what's gonna happen so i can prepare myself for it. 

they could just let me out

that'd be pretty cool.

honestly, i'm fucking tired of being in this dumbass hospital. 

the only good part about it is being able to see ethan everyday. 

"lizzy, you wanna go now?" billie asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "go where?" i furrow my eyebrows. "we were just talking about going to the game room. remember?" billie answers. "oh, yeah. i'm ready" i nod. billie helps me out of bed and i grab onto my IV and shakily walk down the hallway. today is the first day i don't have to use that dumbass wheelchair so i'm really struggling. "you're doing so good" mum smiles. "what a miracle, she can walk. call the church elders, the must see this" i say sarcastically. 

we get down to the game room and i see ethan on the couch. "oh my god e! you're walking!" he exclaims. "oh my god no way" i mock him and laugh. "your hair looks really pretty today" he jokes. "i know right" i laugh and rub my head. 

i'm glad someone appreciates my humor

i had to shave my head a few days because i couldn't stand slowly watching it fall out. 

ethan lost his hair a while ago so he knows that sometimes it helps to joke about it. 

"might i say, that hairstyle really fits you" i add as i sit down. "thanks, i spent hours on it this morning." he tells me. "you two have.... a sad sense of humor." billie says from the banana chair. "you just don't get it" i shake my head. "she really doesn't" ethan agrees. he hands me a controller and i join the game of minecraft that he's playing. "what the hell does that say?" ethan furrows his eyebrows. i see writing made out of blocks on the screen and lean forward to read them. "what if we put our beds together? jk, jk, unless" i read aloud. "awe, you're such a dork" i laugh. "what about that one?" he asks, pointing to a sign on the screen. "but like fr, wanna be my hospital girlfriend?" i read. "i mean like.... that'd be alright" i answer, trying not to smile too much. "cool, cool" he nods, obviously trying not to smile as well. "awe, my girlfriend's sister has a boyfriend" billie frowns and puts her hands over her heart. "i don't know man, that's a bit hetero for my taste" elle grimaces. "and you say i have a weird sense of humor" i raise my eyebrows. "i wasn't just talking about- nevermind" she shakes her head. 

"we gotta get you to group lizzy" billie tells me. "you too ethan" ethan's mum adds after checking her watch. "but-" i start, instantly getting cut off. "no buts, let's go" elle holds her hand out. i hesitantly take it and she helps me stand up. ethan's mum helps him into his wheelchair and we make our way to group. "elizabeth, i'm so proud of you. you're doing so good" ethan's mum says with a smile. "thank you miss reed" i smile, trying to be respectful. 

we get to group and i struggle to carry one of the chairs over to my spot next to ethan. "here, let me help you." ethan smiles and wheels backwards, taking the chair from me, putting it on his lap and rolling back to his original spot before setting it down next to him. "damn, he do be a pro doe" i say in shock.

i wonder how long he's been in here.

"i've been in here a whole month, so yeah i'd say i am a pro" he tells me as if he had just read my mind. "you know what, i totally could've carried that if it weren't for this dumbass thing" i remind him, pointing to the IV. "ha, loser" he laughs. "rude. just rude" i shake my head and sit down. he offers me his hand and i intertwine our fingers before he kisses my hand. "cute" i giggle and boop his nose. "ahem" lisa clears her throat to get our attention. "sorry" i laugh, making ethan laugh slightly as well. 

this definitely isn't as bad as i thought it would be when i first got here

sure i hate this place, but ethan makes it a lot easier

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