Kate's POV
"Umm", Blake sighs tiredly. "He's not married but has definitely been mated for a while", she came over and sat next to me on the cot, then she turned, put her feet up, and laid her head on my lap.
I started absentmindedly braiding her hair. "I agree", I responded. Our cell was one of two in the room but the only one occupied. We'd been sitting in here for more than a day. I know that doesn't seem like long but since we refused to tell them anything about ourselves we had to keep our talking to a minimum to make sure we didn't accidentally give anything away. We had recently started guessing things about the guard outside our cell who refused to speak. Judging by how his muscles kept tensing up I'd say we were getting it right more often than not. It's safe to say we were running out of ways to entertain ourselves.
"Oo!", I squealed with realization. "He's gonna propose soon!", he froze at that.
"Really?! Yay! Congratulations!", Blake yelled happily. The guard turned to us and was about to say something when Michael walked in.
"I see you ladies are still at that".
"How did you know that?!", the guard yelled, obviously not caring that Michael was standing right there.
"Calm down Jason, what's the problem?", Michael said.
"All due respect but I cannot calm down. The problem is they couldn't they have figured that out. How could they possibly know these things!?", he shouts.
"Ok chill out Rambo, if it'll make you feel better she'll tell you how she figured it out", Blake offers. "Won't you?", she turns to me.
"Of course".
"Well get on with it", he says impatiently.
"Alright, alright, touchy", I took a deep breath. "The look in your eyes when we talk about mates tells me you've been mated for a while. Your eyes also tell me that you are beyond in love with her and you're ready to take the next step. It's obvious that you've been practicing and perfecting a speech of some sort, what with how you've been shaking your head and narrowing your eyes, like you're thinking really hard about something. Add that to how obviously nervous you are considering you've been pacing and fidgeting all day. Taking into consideration all of that, your situation is quite obvious", I explained, barely pausing to breathe.
They just stood there looking dumbfounded. "Where did you learn to be so observant?", Michael asked.
"Oh you know", I shrugged. "Around". Blake chuckled. He frowned when he realized that I didn't plan to tell him anything else, but he didn't push it. We may have been rouge prisoners but Michael had taken a liking to Blake and I for some reason.
"Alright well you girls had better stay out of trouble. Alpha's coming back tomorrow morning".
"Oh Michael, I'm hurt by how little faith you have in us", Blake pouted. "What do you think we do down here all day? Make escape plans?"
"Ha! Well luckily I don't have to worry about that. This prison is airtight", he said laughing, as if the thought of escape was ridiculous. Blake and I looked at eachother, then burst out laughing. We were laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes and were doubled over on the floor. This clearly didn't sit well with Michael and Jason. "What's so funny?"
When we finally managed to control our laughter Blake said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just- Whew", she paused. "Ok. Well first of all we just didn't expect to hear such a naive comment from you". Before he could argue, she continued, "And second of all, this prison is far from airtight. If we were trying to escape, we would have by now". Now it was their turn to laugh.
"Is that so?", asked Jason.
"Yep", I said.
"Really?", asked Michael.
"Really", Blake said. "We could probably even get out of the territory", she shrugged nonchalantly.
"I highly doubt that", Michael said with confidence.
"Well you shouldn't. I doubt it would be that hard", I said.
"Prove it", taunted Michael.
"Well... If you would let us try-"
"Absolutely not", Jason interrupted.
"Could you let me finish, please? Thank you. As I was saying, if YOU wanted, we could show you how we'd break out, get to the edge of the territory, and come back..."
"And how do we know that you won't try to trick us and escape?", Jason asked, glaring at us.
I was slightly offended but it was Blake who answered, "Because we'd give you our word".
Jason scoffed, it seemed he was going to argue when Michael said, "Alright".
"WHAT?!", Jason shouted.
"Exactly what I said. Alright. They have given me no reason not to trust their word so far, why shouldn't I now?", before Jason could argue he continued. "Besides, I want to find and fix any security flaws we might have although I don't think we have any". To that Jason huffed, he had no argument.
"So that's settled. Show us what you girls got", Michael said.
I mind-linked Blake. They should be bringing us dinner in about an hour. We'll make our move then, you know what to do.
"We can't start quite yet, just keep watching and you'll see when the time is right". About an hour later a man came to the door carrying a tray of food, he handed it to Jason and left. I glanced at Blake and she blinked back at me. Jason walked over and knelt down to slide the tray under the gate. I walked over and before he could stand I put my thumb into the soft spot on his neck and pressed down. He tried to move away but quickly fell unconscious and slumped over. Before he could hit the ground I hooked my arms under him and slowly lowered him down.
"What are you-", Michael started.
"Isn't it obvious? We're showing you how to escape. Now, let's see how many security flaws this prison really has", Blake stops him. She stands up with the sharpened chicken bone we saved from last night's dinner and a bobby pin from her hair and hands them to me. I quickly pick the lock on the cell as she pries open the lockbox that has our bags in it. She grabs them and then we walk over to Jason, Blake grabs his shoulders and I grab his feet and we carry him to the cot. We place him gently on it and cover him with a blanket. Michael looks at us questioningly.
"What?", Blake asks. "It's the least we can do for knocking him out". I nod in agreement. Michael seems very happy with this answer as he smiles at us.
"Alright. Let's go", I say as we slip into the hall. We walk through multiple hallways, avoiding all camera sights and guards. Every once in a while we point out flaws such as camera blind spots, places that should have guards but don't, faulty equipment, or weak, easily breakable, locks. When we finally reach the exit door, Blake peaks outside.
"Wait a moment... Ok, let's go", she says and we dash out the door and don't stop until we reach the forest.
"Ok, stop", I say once we're a safe distance from the building. I bend down and unzip my bag. Then I dig around in it until I find what I'm looking for. I pull out the necklaces, I hand one to Blake and put the other around my neck while she does the same.
"What are those", Michael questions.
"Charm necklaces. They can be charmed or cursed any way you please as long as you have the right herbs to do so. These are scent charmed. They'll change our scents to whatever we need them to be as long as we're wearing them", I picked up some pine needles from the ground and held them up to the charm until it glowed blue, Blake did the same. "There we go. Now, what do you smell?", he leaned towards me and sniffed, then leaned back shocked.
"Nothing! You smell like... Nothing, I can't distinguish your scent from the trees... How is that possible".
"Easy. All you need is faith, trust, and to be friends with a witch", Blake says.
"Suure. You do realize witches aren't real, right?", Michael asks.
I don't dare look at Blake, a witch may not be how we did this but they are real and that fact must be kept a secret, "You're right, not a witch, just someone with magic", I cover.
"You know someone with magic?", he provokes.
"Yep", before he can ask any more questions Blake continues. "Now let's get going". We run through the woods quickly but quietly. Stopping occasionally to avoid the guards. When Michael asks how we know the guard rotations I simply reply, "We don't. But based on the size of your territory, the number of warriors you have, and your packs reputation, we took a guess as to how many people you'd have running border patrol and in what routines". He just stared dumbstruck. We kept running until we got within sixty feet of the border and heard feet approaching.
"Well look there, the guards are coming. What do you plan to do now", Michael smirked at us.
We just smirked right back. "Oh just you watch Michael", I said evilly. I then turned to Blake and mind linked her.
You know what to do.
Way ahead of you.
She squats down at the base of a very large tree, the lowest branch was about fifteen feet up, she laced her fingers together and nodded at me. I back up about ten feet then run towards her. I leap and land both feet in her hands and she shoves me up. I fly through the air with my arms outstretched until I catch the branch. I wrap my arms around it, ignoring the shouts of astonishment from Michael. I hear Blake leap off the ground and feel her hands catch my feet. Then, I pull my knees to my chest, bringing her with me and wait as she climbs up the rest of the way and gets off of me. Once she's off I hoist myself up onto the branch and reach for the next highest one as Blake does the same.
"What the hell was that!", Michael shouts.
"Shh!!!!" We both whisper-scream. "Now act natural", we command, then continue to climb. We finally stop about ten branches higher, and sit quietly, listening to Michael's conversation with the guard below. It mainly consisted of Michael being asked what he was doing there and him making something up about checking on them and that they should just get on with their patrols. We were about to climb down when we heard scuffling. We looked down to see guards running towards Michael.
"Third in command!", one of them shouted. "The rouge females have escaped!" Blake and I looked at eachother.
Plan B? I asked.
Plan B, she agreed.
We stood and headed for the next tree. With some of the trees we could crawl from one branch to the branch of another, but on most we just had to jump. It wasn't hard though, we just had to make sure we kept quiet. We continued like that until we were past the border.
"I so wish we didn't promise to come back", she says.
"I know", I sigh. I take one last look at freedom, then turn back to the territory border, "Let's go".Michael's POV
DAMN!!!! I can't believe it! I can't fucking believe it! How did I fall for this again! I let them trick me into 'showing' me how to escape when they were probably planning to actually escape the whole time! Now they're gone. FUCK!!!! The alpha is literally going to kill me this time. I'd better go get Jason. I storm down towards their cell and slam the door open.
"Ja-" I freeze, completely and utterly shocked. "What the FUCK?!" There, sitting on the cot, is blondie braiding turquoise's hair (I still don't know their names so I had to come up with nicknames). "B-but... But... I don't get it!" Then they look at eachother... And smile. Da fuck? "But you escaped! You were free...", I trail off. "Why did you come back?"
"Because they gave us their word", surprisingly it was Jason who answered.
"What?", I ask, looking at Jason this time.
"I woke up when I heard people yelling about the rouges escaping. I figured they tricked you and I was about to go and help search for them when I looked over and there they were. Just sitting there, talking about celebrities of all things!"
I turned to them, "Is this true?"
Turquoise speaks up this time, "We did promise. And like I said", she turns to blondie and then back to me. "we always keep our promises".

Two Alphas Too Many
WerewolfI gather up all the courage I can muster and lunge for the gun– Bang! I hear screams but they are not mine. They are coming from down below where my pack has just witnessed me get shot. I stumble backwards and look down to see red dripping from my c...