1. Good Memories

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//This oneshot doesn't have a good ending, so skip if you want a good ending:)//

It's been a year since I left Neverland. I was two years younger than Peter then. (He is seventeen and I was fifteen.)

We really were in love... I was the only Lost Girl. But I missed my home. I had no idea why the shadow took me, because I always loved it in my home. And wasn't the shadow supposed to take only the desperate kids? The kids that were lost? Well I don't know, it doesn't matter anymore.

I probably broke Peter's heart when I left Neverland. I didn't feel great after that, but I really missed my parents. They were so worried while I was gone, that they didn't even believe it was me, back at home. But now things are back to normal. I explained something about kidnapping to them and they really believed it...

Now, it's my birthday. I'm turning 16. And I would really love to go back, just for a while. And Peter probably has gotten over me already, so why not? I think he understands me now. I should try.

"Peter Pan?" I yell to the sky. Nothing happens. "I know you can hear me Peter! Just please, I have to talk to you!" I yell. Nothing happens. I let a sigh out and turn around. What was I thinking? Why would he respond? I sit on my bed.

"What's your problem?" I suddenly hear. I stand up and turn around. Peter really is there!

"Peter! You came!" I shout but then I notice his face. His expression is full of coldness.

"I-it's my birthday and I thought that-" I start but Peter interrupts me; "You thought what? That you could see me? That you could visit Neverland? Just for fun? Yeah, not going to happen." He spats. "I uh... no..." I mutter but I don't know what to say.

"After you played with other peoples feelings?" Peter continues. I feel guilty... "No! I did love you. I really did." I say now a little worried.

"Did you? Cause when you left Neverland without even saying a proper goodbye, it surely didn't feel like it." He points out. I look down.

"Peter, I didn't mean to hurt you. I know you lov-" I start but Peter interrupts me again; "You really thought I loved you? Believe me, I didn't. I used you and your weakness to become more powerful."

Now it hits me. It feels like a knife, stabbed right through my heart.

Could this be true? Could I still have feelings for him..? I can't find any other explanation to this sudden pain.

"Peter, why would you say that?" I ask. I can feel my eyes starting to fill with tears, but I try to hide it.

"W-well, my feelings were real and even if you didn't have feelings for me and you only used me, I in the other hand really loved you. In fact, I still do. But now that you have ruined my birthday, you are free to go. I don't want anything from you ever again." I tell him with a cracking voice. I don't want to look at his face.

"Okay then, I guess my job is done... I'll just leave..." Peter says, but he is no longer angry.

Whatever though.

I feel a wind blowing through my hair for a little moment and then it's quiet. I look around and see that he really left.

I burst into tears completely.

I can't believe this! The boy I had been in love with for so long really just used me. All that time. And I've waisted almost 1,5 years of my life, dreaming about him.
But he really treated me well. I guess he's a good actor...

Suddenly, I hear a noise. Something crashed through my window. I turn around and see Peter. He rushes towards me and pinns me against a wall.

Peter Pan x Reader(fem) Oneshots (ouat)Where stories live. Discover now