2. Pressuring Thoughts

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//This oneshot might trigger people with eating disorder//

I have been in Neverland for a long time. This is my home.

Everything was so sweet when there was only me, the Lost Boys and Peter Pan. But now, everything has changed. Everything has been less fun after the day Pan decided to bring a girl named Wendy here.
It's not that I hate her, I just don't like that she has taken all my friends on her side, Peter as well. Yeah, I might have a crush on him.

All I have is Felix. He has always been by my side.

There's no war between me and Wendy though, but let's just say we have a competition about Peter, and Wendy is winning. I also have started to compare myself to her, which hasn't been a good idea. I've started to notice how beautiful she is. And short. And sweet. And thin. That's the thing that had taken hold of me. I'm actually pretty much the same size, but I have started to feel like I have to get thinner.

And that thought has become more and more preassuring. I have started skipping meals and everything. Nobody has noticed since everyone's on Wendy's side. Felix hasn't noticed eather, which is weird, but only good for me.

Now it's the sixth day without eating more than an apple. I feel weak and my stomach is killing me.
Those negative thoughts are still preassuring my mind so I won't stop.

I'm sitting at the bonfire, watching as Wendy and the Lost Boys dance. They are all having so much fun. Suddenly my (e/c) eyes meet Wendy's eyes. She looks at me without an expression, but then she smirks and walks to Peter. She hugs him and starts talking to him.
I turn my head away. I don't care anymore.
I'm holding my stomach.

Suddenly, someone walks towards me and sits next to me. I would know this blonde haired, tall, thin boy in any situation. "(Y/n), you don't look so good." He says worried. I look at him and fake a smile while still holding my stomach. "I'm fine, Felix, just a little tired." I tell him. "I don't remember seeing you eating breakfast with us." He continues and looks suspicious. I stay quiet for a moment. "I wasn't hungry." I lie to him. He nodds, still looking suspicious.
Then he stands up and walks away. I follow him with my eyes and see him going to talk to Peter. And interrupting Peter's and Wendy's precious time.
I follow the converstation with my eyes, not able to hear a single word because of the Lost Boys having fun.

Suddenly Peter looks straight into my soul. I get chills in my back and stand up. I decide to go into the woods. I want to be in my own peace.
I start to feel a little dizzy, I haven't eaten in six days after all, and my stomach isn't happy about that. It happened so soon and my stomach hasn't gotten used to the empty feeling.
I keep walking, supported by the trees since I'm tottering.

After a moment, my legs give in. I fell down on the ground. My sight gets blurry and everything goes dark.

I feel warm and cold at the same time.

Finally, I start opening my eyes.
At first I have no idea where I am but then I realize that I'm in one of the Lost Boys' tents.
I'm laying on a bed. "Oh good, you're starting to wake up. I'm going to tell Pan." I hear a voice. I look around and see Devin. I stay quiet. He walks away.

After few moments, Peter walks in. "What happened (Y/n)?" He asks and is worried? I shrug, avoiding he's gazing look. "(Y/n)? I know you're hiding something from me." Peter says.

"No, I'm not." I tell him, trying to be as carefree as possible. "When was the last time you ate?" He asks, no more trying to be calm.

"Yesterday." I lie to his face and immediately regret it. "Don't lie to me." He says, now being very serious. "Look! I'm feeling fine." I say and stand up from the bed, immediadly almost falling down. Peter caught me before that. He takes me in his arms in the bridal style.

"Now tell me, when was the last time you ate. Why do you feel so light so suddenly?" He asks. I stay quiet. "(Y/n). Now." He continues. "Six days ago..." I tell him. His eyes fill with confusion and shock.

"What the heck? Why?" He shouts. "Because can't you see? I have been forgotten! Now that Wendy's here, I'm invisible. And lonely. She has all your time now and every Lost Boy wants to be with her now.
Felix is the only one who still stands by my side. And yes, you can call me selfish after this, but all of this really hurt my feelings." I tell him and start feeling water in my eyes.

Peter looks even more shocked and sad? "We never meant to do that... but can you tell me how has this anything to do with your eating?" He asks. I hesitate for a moment.

"Well, I thought that I would be noticed if I was more attractive..." I mutter. Peter looks at me, not believing his ears. "What? Are you saying that you would be more attractive if you were thinner? No, darling, you're so wrong." He tells me. I look at him confused.

"And who do you want to impress?" He suddenly asks. My heart skips a beat. "No one..." I say and blush. He smirks. "So the thing Felix told me is true..." He says quietly. "And what exactly has he told you?" I ask, being worried since Felix is the only one I've told about my crush on Peter...

He smirks even more and then looks straight into my soul with his green eyes. "The person you're trying to impress, is already impressed and has felt the same way for a long time." He tells me. Then he kisses me. My heart is bouncing and I feel so embarrassed but then I kiss him back.

"But... I thought... I thought you loved Wendy." I say to him, breaking the kiss. "No, she's only my friend. And I've noticed your competition with her.
I love games, so I tried to make you jealous by spending time with her.
Then, today, Felix came to talk to me and told me all about your crush on me and that he hasn't seen you eating for a long time.
So I told Wendy that she was always only my friend and I started looking for you.
And there you were, lying on the ground unconscious." He explains.


I start to feel a little ratty.
"How dare you? I felt completely useless!" I yell, but when I notice his smirk, I can't help but to smile a little. Everything is fine now. So why to spend useless time to be mad..?

"Now, you have to eat something." He says and carries me out of the tent.
Then he takes me to eat something while Wendy stands few meters away, looking angry.

"You can leave Neverland, Wendy. Live your life, grow up." Peter tells her. She gets more angry when the shadow takes her away. "How could you Peter Pan? I hate you!" She shouts.

"I'm sorry, but in my heart, there's room for only one darling. And it's not you, Wendy Darling." Peter answers but I'm pretty sure that Wendy can't even hear him anymore. I smile at him and he hugs me. "Never do that again, love." He says seriously. "I promise." I mutter quietly.

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