22. I Was Right

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//This contains some sensitive content about mental health//

Here I am. Sitting on a bed in a boring room and doing nothing. Why did they do this to me?

It started a few months ago. My weird dreams. Dreams about a strange boy around my age. His clothes are dark green and he has a thick brown hair. He has a pair of green, yet demonic eyes.

And every night I've seen him in my dreams. And all the dreams are very similar. First I'm walking in the woods and then he appears out of nowhere.

My dreams are first very joyable but then something always happens... something dark... like it's either the boy or me who gets hurt and even dies.

The weird thing is that every time I die in my dreams, it has always something to do with a scar in my stomach...

I got that scar actually a little before I started to have these weird dreams. I tripped on a root and fell on another root that impaled my stomach... I mean how often can that happen?

Every night I woke up screaming as I felt the pain in my stomach or in my heart (depending on who's dying)...

And it still continues...

Am I losing my mind?

Here I am. Sitting on a bed in a boring room and doing nothing. I mean how many options do I have in a mental hospital?

Yeah. My parents forced me here since the dreams and screams never stopped... they think I've already lost my mind.

I tried to ask them about that boy... like have I met someone like that before and why does he haunt me every single night?

And my parents don't know anyone who looks like him.

They visit me every day.

I get them though... they're just worried and think that this would "heal" my mind... but I'm so convinced about all this. I am not crazy. I know I somehow have met him.

"Time to take your meds!" Shouts a doctor from somewhere, interrupting my thoughts. They still think I'm taking my meds? Good.

The doctor walks in front of me with a glass of water and a couple of pills on his hands. I take them and pretend to swallow but actually I'm hiding those pills under my tongue.

Soon he leaves and I spit those horrible-tasting pills in a trash can. They're so blind. They don't even check those trash cans...

Sometimes I wonder why I'm not scared to go to sleep... actually... I'm waiting for it.

That's how I see him. There's something in him... it just feels like we have a strong connection... It would sound crazy if I said that to someone out loud.

I'm already tired... could I take a nap? I decide to close my eyes just for a few moments.

I'm walking in the woods. This feels familiar...

These woods just seem weirdly dark. I'm starting to feel anxious...

Suddenly, I see a very familiar boy. The green-eyed and brown-haired boy. He greets me like we have known each other for a long time.

"Hello darling... my (Y/n)." He says and hugs me immediadly. I blush and feel the same strong connection again.

Suddenly, a group of adult men with weird clothing rush towards us. They look like... pirates?

Then, a group of boys around my age run towards those men. They're preparing to fight. What's going on?

Suddenly I feel a horrible pain in my stomach. I look up and notice one of the men is standing in front of me and his sword going right through the place I have the scar. I let out a yelp of pain and drop to my knees.

"No! (Y/n)!" Shouts the green-eyed boy. Tears stream down his face as he kneels beside me and takes my head on his lap. "You're going to be okay... I know you will..." He mutters and starts to do something weird with his hands — like magic?

"I will never forgive you. I shall never stop haunting you." The green-eyed boy yells while looking at those pirates. Everyone stopped fighting and gathered around us.

"No... (Y/n), stay with me... you're going to be okay... keep fighting, just a little longer... I'll be ready soon..." The boy mutters as my sight gets blurry and the pain grows bigger. I feel like my body is completely covered in blood.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!" I scream once again and literally jump out of my bed. It was the dream again. I'm trying to breathe as my heart beats madly.

Suddenly, three doctors rush into my room, one of them holding a needle. "What is that? No! No!" I start to panic as two of the doctors hold my hands and keep me down. The doctor with the needle stings me with it and I start to feel dizzy only a few moments after that.

"It's okay, (Y/n). You'll feel better soon." Says one of them. I close my eyes again and stop fighting. I start to lose my consciousness.

"(Y/n)?" I hear a voice suddenly. I open my eyes and try to see. As soon as my sight gets sharp, I jump and let out a loud gasp. It's the boy. The brown-haired, green-eyed boy.

"It's okay... I know I'm late, my love." He says with a calm voice. I look at him confused. "Y-you were never only a dream?" I ask him, not believing my eyes. The boy chuckles and shakes his head.

"Am I... am I dead?" I ask. I don't feel dead but this doesn't make any sense.

"Of course not, love. Come with me. Everything will make sense again soon, I promise..." Says the boy and offers his hand. I don't even hesitate to take it. He seems so awfully familiar and somehow I just trust in him.

He smirks and then moves his hand from left to right, causing the barred window to fly open. I look at him in shock as he smiles and leads me towards the open window.

"You have to trust me..." He says and raises in the air. I look at him with a confused, yet excited face. I just nod and let him lift me on his arms.

"Now... Neverland is waiting for you... and then we'll have to get your memory back..." The boy says.

"B-but... what's your name?" I ask him only a little scared. "It's Peter. Peter Pan." The boy says and smirks, then he starts to fly away.

I already feel like I'm safe. On his arms. It really feels like I've known him for a long long time...

A/n: should I make a part 2? :)

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