5. A Bloody Demon (Part 2/5)

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//Yes this is the second part to the third oneshot:) there is going to be third part and possibly fourth:')//

"No! Don-" I start but it's too late. A blond haired girl cuts the robes of this cage, causing it to drop.

I hit my head hard when the cage hits the ground. "Why would you do that?" I ask confused holding my head which now bleeds. I guess it hit something sharp, but then again how?

This is so my luck.

"You're... you're a girl?" Asks the blond girl. I nod. Suddenly she pulls me out of the cage. She turns me in front of her, holdin a knife in front of my throat. I try to stay still.

"Why? What have I ever done to you?" I ask now a little scared. There's something weird in her blade. Some black liquid minium.

"Well you have done nothing wrong but Pan has. And I'm going to pay back." She says sounding very angry and hurt?

"What did he do then?" I ask trying to sound as calm as possible. "It's none of your business missy." The girl spats.

"Okay then, uhh... what's your name? Mine's (Y/n)." I keep asking questions.
She stays quiet for a moment.
"It's..." She starts but then we both hear a crack. "Who's there?" This girl asks.

"Oh Tinkerbell... Tink... what a pleasure to see you." We hear a voice, which belongs to Pan.
"Don't you even start with your betraying words!" This Tinkerbell shouts.

I feel so confused right now.

"It's not my fault that you're stupid." Pan says to her. Tink gasps and then puts the knife closer to my throat. "I won't hesitate to kill your girl. It would be so easy. Just a little movement with my hand. And yes, my blade is dipped in dreamshade." She tells him.

"His girl? dreamshade? What are you talking about? First of all he doesn't care if you kill me and second of all what's dreamshade?" I join.

"Dreamshade is a deadly poisonous plant, (Y/n), kills you in weeks. Unless you get some antidote." Pan explains.

Oh great, he heard my name when I told it to Tink. I want to punch myself.

"And yes, she's totally right. She means nothing to me. Now go on, kill her." He continues indifferently. What a surprise.

Tink stays quiet and I think she's about to do it. "No, actually I won't do it. She is your burden. But this will make my mind peaceful." Tink says and then cuts my hand with her knife.
I feel confused. Blood starts to fall out of the cut. Then Tinkerbell lets me go and pushes me into Pan's arms. I immediadly back off and look at him in the eyes. I can't tell if he's angry or not.

All the three of us stay in our places for a moment but then Tink leaves.

My every single instinct tells me to run, so that's what I do. I start to run as fast as I can. Into the woods.

"Don't you ever remember? You can't escape from me." Pan says and appears right in front of me. "What do you want?" I ask.

"Didn't you listen? Her blade was dipped in dreamshade, but sure if you want to die then be my guest." He continues.

"Well, I think you owe me a favor since I got in trouble because of your actions. Show me the antidote you were talking about." I tell him, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"You know... magic always comes with a price. Once you have taken the antidote, you can't leave Neverland." He explains.
I stay quiet. So much for the family and my dreams. But if I want to stay alive, I have to take the antidote.

"I guess I'm not leaving then." I tell him, but my voice's tone has changed. It's now more painful. "As you wish." Pan says and then suddenly takes me on his arms. "What the-" I start but he gives me a look which sends me the message to be quiet. He rises in the air and then starts to fly towards one of Neverlands small mountains.

After few moments, he lands. I hop out of his arms. My hand hurts. I look at the cut; there are some black lines that look like blood vessels. They are going upwards, towards my shoulder. Great.

Pan heads towards a big set of some plants. These plants have horns in their stems.
He moves his right arm from left to right, causing these plants to move to both sides of now formed trail. The trail leads inside of the mountain. Pan walks in. I just stay in my place and wait for him.

Soon he comes back. He has some water with him. "Now drink this and you'll get better." He says and gives the water to me.

"And I'm supposed to trust you? This looks like water to me." I tell him suspiciously.
He chuckles. "Just do it." He says.
I hesitate for a moment. Is this the end? Am I now being trapped here forever?

Then I drink it. All of it. "Good girl." Pan says and smirks.

"Now what? Are you going to put me back in your cage? Or are you abandoning me? I don't really care because now I'm trapped forever. I'm just another pawn of yours." I say to him. He chuckles again.

"Now you're really one of us indeed. I can't abandon you. There's so much more I can do with you..." He tells me.

I back off a little bit. I give him a grin and then look away. "You can be our very first Lost Girl now. Or then if you're going to disobey me, I won't hesitate to give you a punishment." He continues.

"You are indeed a bloody demon! In a boy's disguise." I spat. "Of course I am. Now, choose your side; are you going to be our very first Lost Girl or do you want to do this in a hard way?" Pan asks while smirking.

"I'll pick the hard way. I won't join you even if my life depends on it." I tell him. He raises his eyebrow and keeps smirking. "Well then, so be it." He says and then grabs my wrist. He drags me near to the edge of a cliff.

"Wait wha-" I start but then he pushes me off the cliff. I let out a scream. I'm now only in his hold since he still has my wrist.

"Now what were you saying? Even if your life depends on it?" He says mockingly. I look down and see quite a long fall. I swallow.
"Yes." I tell him and close my eyes, waiting for him to let go of me.

Nothing happens.

Then Pan does something I wasn't expecting. He pulls me back on my feet, safely beside him. Then he pins me aggressively against the rocky face of the mountain. He puts his hands to both sides of my head.

"You may have won this first game, but I will win the whole game." He says and comes closer to my face.

I feel weird. It's like there are butterflies in my stomach. And my cheeks... am I blushing? I'm so close to him, our bodies almost touching and it makes me feel weird. Especially when he smirks like that and does his eyebrow-thing. What am I thinking? This is not happening!

I shouldn't feel like this but I do. I try to hide it but it's too late. He notices and smirks.
"Oh but why are you blushing?" He asks and comes teasingly even closer if that's possible.

"Just stop it!" I tell him and try to get out of the situation. "See you later, (Y/n), our first Lost Girl." he whispers to my ear causing me to have goosebumps. Then he disappears. What an idiot.

What is going on with me? I can't have any kind of feelings for a boy like that...

I climb down from the lowest place I can. I start walking without thinking where to go.

I'm now on a beach. Again. I'm actually very close to the water. And it looks like it gets very deep in few steps.

Suddenly I hear a voice. "Why has Pan brought a girl in here? In Neverland?"

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