7. A Lost Lost Girl (Part 2/2)

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//Warnings: this doesn't have a happy ending...//

I start to open my eyes.

I immediadly remember what happened. I look around and notice that I'm in Pan's treehouse. That bastard. I'm laying on his bed.

"So, you're awake now?" I hear his voice. I turn to face him. "Yes. And now, take me back! I already told you, I DON'T want to be here." I say to him with an angry tone in my voice.

"But this is Neverland! It's never boring here! Remember the old times? When we used to play our dangerous games with the Lost Boys? You loved it in here." He tells me. I let out a sigh.

"Yes, I did. But as I told you back then, my family and friends mean everything to me. I don't want to leave them behind." I explain to him. Again.

His expression becomes cold. "But we are your family. And friends. And..." He says and looks at me in the eyes. "No." I sigh. "Well yes, friends, but not family."

We are both quiet for a moment.

"You're going to get used to this place. I won't let you go. Not again." He finally says. I roll my eyes and get up. I try to walk past him but he stops me with his arm.

"The Lost Boys have missed you as well. Go say hi." He says and lets me go. I growl at him and come down from the treehouse.

No, I'm not going to say hi. The Lost Boys can wait. I don't want this. I want to go home.

"Hello, so it is true; our lost Lost Girl is finally back." I hear a voice. I turn around and see my good friend, Devin. "It's good to see you, Devin." I tell him smiling. We share a hug and then we sit down.

"Pan must've had a long year." Devin notes. "How come?" I ask him. "While he has been busy spying on you of course." Devin tells me.

"What?" I ask now very confused. "He didn't tell you? He has been spying on you the whole year. He couldn't be without you. He had to keep an eye on you and now he decided to bring you back." Devin explains. I stare at him, my eyes widening.

"But since he didn't tell you, you didn't hear this from me." Devin continues. Not creepy at all... I look down and then back at him. "Understood." I answer.

"Devin, could you please go get some wood for the bonfire?" We hear a sound. Felix. Devin nodds and I stand up as well.

I want to punch Felix but of course I can't, he's my friend too. "You heard us, didn't you?" I ask him. He just nodds. I sigh. "Do me a favor and do not tell Pan about Devin." I tell him. He looks like he's against the idea.

"Hey! You owe me a favor! It's your fault I'm back here, unhappy." I spat. "Okay, (Y/n), but I think you don't see how much you mean to P- us!" He says.

I know what he was about to say.

How much I mean to Pan.

I actually liked him back then but I always thought he didn't like me. And then I lost my feelings towards him.

But now. This whole situation makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. Even when I'm being forced here.

Am I still in love with him?

Later that day, I'm trying to find Peter.

Luckily for me, it doesn't take long to find him. "Hey Peter, I wanted to ask you something." I say to him. He looks at me in the eyes. I swallow.

"Did you... or ehh... do you... like me... not as a friend... the other way?" I stutter. He doesn't say anything. It's hard to try to read his face.

"No. And never did." He finally answers coldly. I don't know why but I feel sad. Like a knife was just stabbed through my chest. "Oh... okay... I'll just... leave now." I keep struggling with my words.

I'm about to leave but then I turn around, back to face him. "Then why do you want me to be here? If you don't feel anything like that towards me, you can just easily let me go." I point out. He struggles for a moment.

"I guess you're right. If you wish to leave." He says. I nod, still feeling upset.

We go to the camp. "Boys, you are probably all happy to see our lost Lost Girl after all this time, but I have to ruin that. We can't keep her here if she doesn't want to. It's not right. She's going back to her real home." Peter declares. The Lost Boys change sad looks. I turn to look at Devin. He looks sad as well, but also understanding.

Soon I'm preparing to leave with Peter. He is going to fly. Hi sprinkles me in pixie dust and takes my hand. Something is wrong, he seems quiet.

After we land back to my hometown, I look at him. He still doesn't look sad, but something is definitely wrong. "Goodbye, Peter." I say to him and smile weakly. "Bye, (Y/n)." He mutters and smiles, even though his smile isn't normal. I hug him and then turn to face my house. I walk in front of my door and then turn to face Peter for one last time but he's already gone. My smile disappears.

Why do I feel so sad all of sudden?

Pan's POV

Soon enough I'm back in Neverland.

I feel heartbroken.

I wish I could've told (Y/n) how I really feel. But I am Peter Pan. I can't let love come in my way, because love is weakness. I just wish she had stayed in Neverland. With me. Forever.

I'm calling my shadow.

It appears in front of me.

I reach my hand towards my chest and take my heart out. The pain is mostly gone.

"Hide this. Somewhere even I can't find it. I don't need it anymore." I say and my shadow obeys my command.

I just lost the only person I've ever loved. My (Y/n).

While I'm still floating in the air, something weird happens; I fall down. My pixie dust should be working.

What's going on?

"Pan." I hear a voice. I turn around to face Felix. "Do you have any explanation to this?" I ask confused. Felix just shruggs, looking as confused as I.

Peter Pan didn't only loose his love. He lost his heart and stopped believing in anything. By that, he lost his ability to fly.
In his case, love really turned out to be weakness.

Peter Pan x Reader(fem) Oneshots (ouat)Where stories live. Discover now