16. Meant To Be This Way? (Part 1/4)

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//Yeah what a surprise that this will have more parts as well...//

It's another night, sitting by my open window, waiting for someone to show up. And not just anyone... him.

This green-eyed boy has been visiting me for god knows how long...

And I fell for him.

He has always been here at the same time, every night. Always telling me stories about a place I know I can never visit — a place called Neverland.

Of course I have asked him to take me there, but he has refused everytime...

I look at a clock on my wall. It's almost the time!

Even though I know he doesn't think of me like that, he'll always be the one. My feelings are way too strong.

It hurts more than he could even imagine... but all I need is to see him, like this, every night.

But then again... when is this going to stop..? I mean I'm growing up while he stays around 16 - 17.

"Honey? Are you keeping your window open again? What is it with that every night?" I hear a voice. My mom's voice.

I turn to face my closed door. "It's too warm in here. I'm just getting some air." I lie. Like I do every night.

"Sure... well, don't keep it open for long." She says from behind my door. I stay quiet and listen to her footsteps that are going away.

"Missed me already?" I hear a recognizable voice. "Peter!" I shout whisper to him while turning around to face him. I feel butterflies in my stomach.

He just smirks at me.

I smile at him at first but then my face turns sad.

"What is it, (Y/n)?" Pan asks a little worried?

"It's nothing really... tell me more about Neverland." I say and look at him in his green eyes.

I'm pathetic. Why do I feel so strong emotions towards him?

"Stop it (Y/n). I can see something is bothering you." He says and looks compassionate.

"No it's just... how long is this going to be like this? I'm growing up while you aren't... there's going to be the day you won't appear here anymore..." I mutter, feeling plaintive.

Pan stays quiet. "Mind if I come in?" He asks. I nod and move away from my window, letting him enter my room. He closes the window.

Then he walks towards me, stopping right in front of me. "I'm sorry." He just says. I look at him confused.

"Sorry for what?" I ask. He stays quiet.

Then suddenly, he pinns me against my wall and kisses me on my lips.

Hundreds of butterflies are going crazy in my stomach.

"I- I love you, Peter..." I whisper after we break the kiss, not believing what just happened.

"I love you too, (Y/n)." He says quietly and looks down.

I feel every bit of me getting incredibly happy. I could've never believed...

"But this was the last time we meet each other. I can't keep torturing you anymore..." Pan says. I look at him in disbelief. "What?" I ask.

"I'm not a good person, (Y/n)..." Pan continues. "It doesn't matter!" I almost shout. I have always seen something dark in him. This wasn't a surprise.

"Yes it does. I can't take you to Neverland because you wouldn't be entirely safe. You are the only person I truly care about and I couldn't risk your life by taking you there." He explains. I listen to him, still in disbelief.

"I don't deserve you." He says, making my heart break a little. "But you do." I tell him. He just stays quiet.

"I have to leave (Y/n). We can't continue it like this." He just says and is about to leave. I grab his hand, making him turn around to face me again.

I kiss him again, more passionately. He puts his hands on my waist while I put my other hand on his cheek and the other grips his hair sweetly.

Things led to other things... (//yes exactly what you think//)

After we did... well it... he kisses my forehead. I smile at him, forgetting everything sad.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n). I shouldn't have fallen for you and let you in my life." Pan says and looks sad again. I just look at him, feeling nothing.

"But I can still fix it..." He continues and takes a tiny bottle of something under his clothes. I look at him in confusion.

"What's that?" I ask him. He looks like he's hesitating but then he sits next to me.

"This makes you feel a lot better." He says and gives the bottle to me. I look at him suspiciously. "I guess I trust you." I simply say and drink the potion. It tastes weird.

I start to feel a little dizzy and notice that he left. Without saying goodbye!

Wait... who left..?

I look around me, not understanding what just happened. Was someone here? Who?

I shake the weird feeling away and close my open window. Why would I keep my window open? It's cold here anyway.

I look at my clock and notice it's guite late. I change my pajamas and lay on my bed.

Why can't I remember how I used my latest moments?

Pan's POV

I fly away, back to Neverland. I just can't risk her and at least she doesn't have to feel bad for this...

I will get over her... I have to.

I fly to Felix, my most loyal Lost Boy.
"Are you sure this was the right thing to do?" He asks. "It is. I love her, Felix, I have to think what's best for her, not for me." I explain.

We stay quiet for a moment but then Felix chuckles. "This doesn't sound like you at all. The old Pan wouldn't do anything like this." He says. I feel annoyed.

"You want the "old Pan"? Are you sure?" I ask aggressively and push my hand into his chest, pulling his heart out. Felix yelps in pain. I squeeze his heart in my hand a little bit but then think about (Y/n). I have to stay good. For her.

"I'm sorry." I simply say and put Felix's heart back. He doesn't say anything, just walks away.

Let's see how long it takes to forget you, (Y/n).

Little did (Y/n) and Pan know what was coming next...

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