17. Meant To Be This Way? (Part 2/4)

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//This oneshot is pretty much time jumps here and there//

About two months after that night

(Y/n)'s POV

"Mom... I haven't had my period for a long time..." I tell to my mom while sitting by our dinner table. My mom looks pensive.

"And you haven't had-" She starts but I interrupt her immediadly. "Of course not! I think you would've noticed if there even was a guy." I say, feeling anxious.

"Yes yes, you're probably right. You don't have to worry about it, periods can sometimes be very irregular." Mom says and seems to calm herself down.

She couldn't handle another child in our family. After my father left us, she has barely had the money to maintain me along with herself. She would kick me out immediadly and just wish that I survive...

We continue eating our dinners. I can't shake the weird feeling in my stomach away...

About four months after that night

"Have you gained weight or something?" Asks mom, trying to understand why my dress won't fit on me like it did four months ago.

"Mom!" I almost shout, feeling embarrassed. "No it's okay sweetie, you are healthy and look just fine." She says.

"But have you gotten your period yet?" She continues with a pensive look. "No..." I mutter and feel more anxious.

"Did you lie to me about a boyfriend? Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Mom continues questioning. "I'm sure! I would know if I had slept with a guy." I say.

I would know... this doesn't make any sense... I have been vomitting a couple of times during these four months but... I would know.

About six months after that night

"You could've told me! Do you realize that your stupidity leads our family on the brink of the abyss! I can't believe this!" My mom yells at me. I just keep crying, trying to understand how I am pregnant and to who.

"I swear, I don't know how this happened! I haven't slept with a guy, I haven't even had a proper crush on anyone!" I shout while more tears stream down my face. My mom looks at me in disbelief.

"And you decide to lie to me! How ungrateful child you are! You know what? When the baby borns, you are not going to have it. We're going to put it into adoption. You are going to work on the streets and the rest is up to you. If you think you're ready to have a child, you're going to live like it." Mom says. She's now more angry that I've ever seen her.

"But... mom! I swear..." I mutter but can't finnish my sentences.
I run upstairs in my room. I feel so scared. How did this happen? Who is the father? Why can't I remember anything happened? Why doesn't my mom believe me?

A millions of questions run in my head but I don't have answers to any of them.

I lay on my bed and cry myself to sleep.

Pan's POV

I feel my shadow going restless. Someone's feeling lost or desperate? Where?

Soon I find out. In (Y/n)'s hometown. There's someone feeling lost. Lost enough to be taken by the shadow...

I decide to ignore it, not giving orders to my shadow. We don't need any more Lost Boys right now and besides that lost kid can have another chance.

Of course the real reason is that I can't see (Y/n) even by accident... I don't want to... even thinking about her makes me want to rip my heart out.

About nine months after that night

(Y/n)'s POV

"Just push! You can do it!" the doctor says, trying to sound cheerful. I'm in terrible pain, giving birth to my fatherless child. This is insane!

Tears stream down my face and now I finally have the strength to push for one last time. Baby comes completely out and I sigh relieved. It's finally over.

"It's a girl." Says the doctor while smiling and holding my baby. I don't know why or how but I feel happy.

"Can I hold her?" I ask. I wish my mother was here... to see this... whatever caused my baby to born.

The doctor smiles and let's me hold her. She's not crying much and she has brown hair about to grow.

"Do you have any names in mind?" Asks the doctor. I think about it for a moment.

"Leah." I say quietly while smiling at her.

//In case your name is Leah you can just imagine another name instead?//

"What a lovely name." Mutters the doctor.

Suddenly we hear a knock on the door. The doctor opens it and my mother steps in.
"So you gave birth." She mutters. I can't read her face but it gives me cold vibes...

I just nod, feeling a little anxious.

"You must be (Y/n)'s mother." Says the doctor and smiles. "Yes I am." Says my mother and gives a little smile which looks fake to me...

"Now, (Y/n), you remember what we talked about?" My mother says and comes closer.

"What? No! No you can't!" I almost shout. I can't believe this! She can't be serious!
"Yes I can. You're still underaged and I'm your guardian." She says and takes Leah from my arms.

"No! Please! Don't take her away!" I almost yell. The doctor can't do anything because my mother is right. I'm still under 18.

"You disobeyed me and lied to me about her. I have no choice." Says my mother ruthlessly and starts to walk away.

"I swear I don't know! Please! Don't take my baby! Mom! Please!" I yell after her while crying and trying to get up. I still feel pain and have to lay back down. My mother just walks away with Leah crying in her arms. Tears stream down my face again. How can this hurt so much? I don't even understand how all of this happened... I just feel strong connection to Leah already. It's like a part of my heart was taken with her...

"I'm so sorry about this, (Y/n). I'll leave you alone for a while." Says the doctor, looking sad as well.

I want to disappear. I don't want any of this...

I close my eyes and let my tears stream down.

Pan's POV

I feel it again. And this time those emotions are way more stronger. What's going on in that town?

I hesitate to summon my shadow. Is there any possibility to just jump over this?

I decide to wait a couple more days and if those desperate emotions are still that strong, I will go check what's happening. I mean, it would be unlikely to see (Y/n) out of all people, right?

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