1 - Thursday, October 10th

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Thursday, October 10th

"Really? 5%?", Kim Seokjin gasped.

His manager smiled weakly, "You know our department hasn't being doing well this fiscal year."

Seokjin knew that was a lie. It was just last week that the managers spent a ton of money at Southside parlor – one of the high-end bars at Seoul. Mind you, that wasn't from their pockets.

"Mr. Yang. I have worked my – excuse my language – ass off for the last one year. 5% doesn't even compensate for all the dinners that I had at this – excuse my language again – shithole of a cafeteria because I had no time to make it to home."

His manager winced for a second and put on a toothy grin. "Seokjin, I promise you. We'll push your name for promotion this year."

"So, you are saying I have to spend another year for another 5% raise in salary and 500% raise in workload?", Seokjin huffed, not at all attempting to hide his frustration.

The manager shuffled in his seat, his ass cheeks falling on either side of the chair. He tried to look unfazed but failed miserably. Instead he looked constipated.

"My job is to only inform you about the hike. You can take matters up with the HR.", he replied.

Seokjin stood up, annoyed, "Actually, your job is to handle my year-end reviews, fight for our rightful payments, and maybe – just maybe not spend the revenue on booze!"

As he left the room, hands trembling and clammy with sweat, he knew he fucked up. He wouldn't be fired, of course. He was one of the top performers in his department and the current client had a better relationship with him than with the firm.

Still, he fucked up. Because now, even the smallest of the mistakes, unnoticeable slip-ups, and the subtle mocks would magnify. And, let's not even begin with approvals for leaves.

He sat at his desk for a mere five minutes – checked his mails and his skype for any pending tasks or meetings. He had a couple of low-priority tasks and thankfully, no meetings. So, he shut his laptop and left for home without sparing a glance at his manager. He decided to talk to the HR the next day. No way was he going to let this by 3 years in a row.

Yeah, 3 years.

Yeah, that is how stupid Seokjin had been. But, not anymore, he tells himself. Every year.

He took the crowded bus home, ignoring the push and pulls, the autumn sweat and its smell that hung heavily in the air.

When he entered his rusty apartment lobby that belonged to a shady neighborhood, he realized that the rent was due.

As he waited for the lift, he thumbed a message to his roommate. His salary was late this month by 10 days. The landlord was a drunkard but a diligent rent-collector. He hoped his roommate received his check so that he can pay his part of the due once he received his salary.

After a few seconds of being lost in thought, Seokjin realized the lift wasn't even working. He had to take freaking seven flights of stairs.

When he reached his flat door, sweaty and out of breath, he pulled out his keys only to find that the door was unlocked. And that is never a good sign.

Not because of a break-in. It was probably nice to have things that are worth robbing. They had none. But it meant his roommate was early and he must've got someone with him.

No, Seokjin wasn't judging him or hating him for finding a new person to fuck with every now and then. It would've been fine if their rooms were far apart and the walls weren't thinner than cardboard.

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