6 - Monday, October 28th

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Monday, October 28th

"I can't believe it!", Seokjin whined as he went through the job portal on the small screen of his phone. "Everyone is asking for an experience certificate."

As always, Hoseok entered the house just before Seokjin left. "You should maybe file a case against them for not giving you one."

"I am going to be stuck at this café, forever!", he whined again and shut the door behind him.


He was still going through the list of jobs that suited his profile and almost ran into the door. And, almost missed the little flags around the café.

"Jungkook-ah!", he yelled, his voice breaking a little. "D – did you do this?"

Jungkook came out tying his apron, with a wide grin on his face. "The night shift staff were asked to put them up. Boss' orders."

"Mr. Song? Really?", Seokjin was surprised. Mr. Song was a well-known homophobic ass – that didn't stop him from feeling Seokjin's ass whenever he could though.

"Eww. No. Let us make a pact right here to not call him our boss anymore. I mean the actual boss ordered this.", Jungkook said as he swirled around. "Do you want to see something else?"

Seokjin was still trying to digest the scene of decorated flags around, "Yeah?"

Jungkook pulled out a box full of tiny sticks used to balance burgers, only that they were rainbow-colored instead of the plain brown.

"Do you think it is just about the aesthetic or does the boss really know what it stands for?", Seokjin asked.

Jungkook shrugged, "Mr. Song definitely doesn't know. He doesn't know left from right, really. He commented that the café looks more colorful. Also, check out the photo-board."

"What?", Seokjin asked and when Jungkook pointed he found a board with a few polaroid pictures stuck on it. Then, "Wow, this looks beautiful."

Jungkook agreed as they rushed in to get the first orders of the day prepped.


It was 3 PM when Hobi walked in, and he was followed by the Gucci guy – only today he was wearing a Celine white tee.

Seokjin nudged Jungkook to check him out again while Hoseok took the seat behind the Gucci boy.

He then asked him for the order.

"Fries.", he said.

Seokjin studied him for a second, "That's not enough for lunch."

"I'm okay with Fries.", he said.

"I make a really nice sloppy-joe burger.", Seokjin pressed.

The Gucci boy gave a little, very tiny, blink-and-its-gone smile. "I'll have that then."

A few minutes later Seokjin placed the order on the table. The Gucci boy admired the rainbow-themed stick, so Seokjin grins, "It is beautiful, isn't it?"

The Gucci boy nodded.

Seokjin turned to Hoseok and pointed at the stick. "The new boss is amazing."

Hoseok smiled at his roommate. "You've said that a million times so far."

"And I will say it a million times again. The balls that he or she has to do this – whew. I mean it is subtle, but I don't know Hob-ah, it makes me so happy. Jungkook feels so much safer here now.", Seokjin said as he sat down across Hoseok and yawned.

"Where you up all night? Again?", Hoseok asked as he munched on the sandwich.

Seokjin swallowed his bite and spoke, "I was reading a book about anti-gravity."

Hoseok raised his eyebrow, "Really?"

"Yep. I – I couldn't put it down.", the other said.

There was a pause, a beat and Seokjin burst out laughing.

Hoseok rubbed his temple, "But really. You should take a break."

Seokjin shook his head. "I can't Hob-ah. I paused on that project for three years because of that job. Now, I can't even get another one. That is my one last hope."

"Bill?", the deep voice said.

Seokjin turned to the Gucci boy. "You left an incorrect amount of tip last time. This meal is free."

"Oh.", he responded. "I didn't realize."

"How rich are you to not realize?", Seokjin chuckled and stopped when he saw the expression on the other's face. "I'm sorry."

The Gucci boy waved it away with a brief smile. "I miscalculated, I think. I did notice the missing amount. Obviously."

Seokjin smiled back and went to put the used plates. The boy was gone by the time he came back.



I only realized that the chapters are shorter than what I usually write. It'll mostly be double updates. :)

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