23 - Monday, 20th January

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Monday, 20th January - 3 days later

"What do you want?", Yoongi barked at his assistant, who scurried out of the room.

When he saw Hoseok, his face softened, "You wanted something. Did I give it to you?"

Hoseok bit back a flirty comeback and smiled, "I wanted to thank you."

"Okay. So, you need anything else?", he asked walking around his desk and leaning back on it.

Hoseok breathed out. He was finding it difficult to answer his questions normally. "No. That is all."

Yoongi nodded and walked past him. Hoseok took that as a cue and left his office, chiding himself for even doing this.

A few hours later, Hoseok sat down in the practice room. Everyone left but he decided to try choreography for a new song that Jin made him listen to last night. As he watched the video that he just shot of himself, he heard feet shuffling at the door.

The door slightly pushed open to reveal a disheveled Yoongi.

"Yoojung?", he slurred as he searched around the vacant room. Hoseok was in a dark corner so Yoongi missed him. He continued to walk and sat in front of the mirror, staring intently at his reflection.

When Hoseok appeared behind him, Yoongi jumped in surprise. Then, "You are not Yoojung."

"I am Jung Hoseok.", the other replied while looking at Yoongi through the mirror.

"I am Min Yoongi.

And, I can't write songs."

Hoseok sat next to him, hugging his knees. "Did you not receive four awards last season for lyrics and production?"

"Yes, teacher.", Yoongi mocked him. Then, "Fine. I can't write happy songs."

Hoseok mentally went through the list of songs that were written by him. "'Give it to me' is fine."

"It still talks about pain.", whined Yoongi.

Hoseok stared at the producer's blushed cheeks against his pale skin. His eyes were swollen, like he cried. He looked like a ghost under the dimmed lights of the studio, but a beautiful one.

"What songs did you listen to today?", Hoseok asked. He stiffened when Yoongi moved closer to him, their shoulders touching one another's.

Yoongi played with the nuzzle of the bottle in his hand, "Dark Paradise."

"And?", he pressed.

"Heathens, Sucker for Pain.", Yoongi listed.

Hoseok smiled, "Maybe listening to good songs will help you."

"Teach me how to do that.", Yoongi said turning his head to face Hoseok.

He looked confused, "Teach you what?"

"This thing that you do – smile."

Hoseok chuckled. "I'm trying choreography for a song. You want to watch?"

Yoongi nodded and crawled away to lean his back on the mirror, facing Hoseok.

The song began to play and Yoongi's eyes lit up as he watched the other guy sway to the music.

Midway, Hoseok stopped and dragged Yoongi to join. It took a little persuasion but when he did join him, he broke in a drunk dance – hands flailing and booty shaking. Hoseok laughed out loud at him.

"Am I doing good?", Yoongi asked as he grinned. His smile made Hoseok pause.

"You have such a ... different smile.", he said staring at the producer, who was busily flailing his arms humming the song, 'My youth is yours!'

After a few seconds, the gummy-smiled guy collapsed on his butt and swayed, "I like this song. I like ... this."

Hoseok ruffled his hair, "I like this too."



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