Chapter Eighteen

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Olly awoke with a terrible headache. His cheek felt cold, from laying on the floor. Opening his eyes, he tried to sit up. Dizzy and a bit confused, Olly used the bannister at the top of the stairs to stand himself up. As he got to his feet, a sudden urge to be sick came over him. Quickly, he leant over the bannister and let it all out. "Olly! Thank goodness you're awake!" Emily squealed running at him with open arms. Still being a bit dazed, Olly had no idea what was going on. To him, Emily's arms looked like octopus tentacles coming to squeeze the life out of him. Starting to tear up, she wrapped her arms around him. "Don't scare me like that again!" she growled. 

"Wh- What happened?" Olly asked, still slightly confused. Emily's face got even sadder. 
"Mei-Lee jabbed at you, as she did me, and caused our bodies to collapse to the ground. Except, when you went down, you kinda hit your head quite hard." Olly raised his hand to the site of pain on his head, feeling a bump. "You probably have a bit of concussion. Let's get you in the class and sat down." 

Emily pulled him into the class and sat him down on a chair, still holding onto his arm. Olly looked around the room to see Megumi tending to wounds on Harry. However, there was no sign of Coon insight. "Where's Coon? Wait. What happened to the triplets?" Olly questioned, still scanning the room. "Olly. I'm sorry," said Harry, "They took him." Incredible amounts of anger and misery rushed through Olly's body. "Why? Why didn't they take him? Why didn't they just kill us all then and there?" Olly screamed in anger. 

"Well," began Harry, "After you went down, they had me and Coon at knifepoint, with our hands tied behind our backs. Sarah requested Mei-Lee to come down and do the killing blow. She refused to do it, saying something about how they should only be defending themselves rather than looking for trouble. Then they were saying something about how Sarah slaughtered Clark, Tom and Sam. They had an argument and decided to compromise. They will come back to us because they clearly know they can beat us. However, they took Coon for Mei-Lee to "Practice" on. As long as Mei-Lee refuses, I guess he will be alive." Harry and Olly's gaze drifted to the floor. Both of them looking as sad as an elephant in captivity.

"I wish I could have done more," Harry mumbled. "They told me I was going to be the one to make sure that we got the message." Harry pulled up his sleeve on his right arm to show a huge open wound down his forearm. He had tried to stop the bleeding by using one of his socks. He tied it around the top of his arm to lower the circulation. "We could really do with some medical supplies..." Said Megumi, looking at the mess of an arm. 

*Knock Knock Knock* Someone stood at the door to the class. The door creaked open as slow as a sloth searching for a succulent snack. There stood Logan. At the sight of him, Olly stood, ready to fight. However, his head was still spinning, so he quickly stumbled back into his chair. Emily still stood, ready for an attack with her crossbow aimed at his head. Behind him was no sign of Milo, Bella or Rei. The only person with him was that smart girl, Skylar.

"What do you want Logan!" Emily demanded, aiming for his eyes. 
"Please calm down." He advised calmly. "I don't want anyone else to die." 
"Anyone else?" Questioned Harry. "What happened when we left you? Where are Bella, Milo and Rei?" 
"After you left, Milo was in so much pain. Bella decided to end his life quickly and swiftly."  
"Oh, man. That's not what we wanted at all. We just wanted him to stop grabbing weapons, not to die..." Harry mumbled.
"That's not the end of it." Logan continued. "After that, it hit everyone in our group differently. I chose to stop killing altogether but Bella had other plans."
"She took it out on my friends," Skylar said, angrily pushing into the conversation. "Ethan, Lewis and Arthas all died."
"What about Rei? What happened to her?" Emily asked.
"She stayed with Bella," Logan said. "She doesn't want to kill anyone either, but she cares for the well-being of Bella."

"Enough about that though," Logan announced, changing the subject. "Looks like the triplets have already been and gone I'm guessing. Looks like they took Coon too."
"How do you know what happened?" Olly asked. 
"My friends were spying on a group of people each, and they knew you were coming here to the triplets' hideout," Skylar said.
"And why should we trust you two?" Emily questioned, still pointing the crossbow at Logan. 
"listen," Began Logan. "I believe in a thing called love."
"Just listen to the rhythm of my heart!" Megumi interrupted in song.
"There's a chance we can make it now." He continued. 
"We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down." Both Megumi and Harry interrupted again in song. 
"I believe in a thing called love, ooooooooh." Sung Skylar, finish the chorus to the song.
"Thank you, guys." Logan sarcastically sighed. "My point being, what actually happens if we don't decide to kill each other, and just wait it all out?" 
"He has a point." Agreed Harry.
"Oh, we also took some medical supplies when we split away from Bella and Rei," Logan said, holding up a first aid kit. He threw it over to Megumi to bandage Harry's wounded arm. 
"Well, I'm not sure if I trust you." Declared Emilly, not lowering the crossbow. "I think it should be up to Harry to decide. They were chasing you after all."
Harry looked at the first aid kit, then at the faces of Logan and Skylar. He saw how sincere Logan was being. "I say we trust them," Harry said. Emily reluctantly lowered the crossbow to her hip. 
"Well there you have it," She accepted. "Welcome to the team."

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