Chapter Ten

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No use, it was jammed. With Emily and Harry watching in anticipation, Olly struggled with the door to the kitchen. "Right. Budge." Emily shoved him out the way. Raising her leg high to her waist, she tucked it up tight. With one swift motion, she kicked the door, breaking the door almost off its hinges. "Damn girl. You have some strong force behind you." Olly said in amazement.

The kitchen was a big rectangular space divided into two parts by ovens. The hobs on top of the ovens looked filthy and greasy, as if it had possums dancing on them every day (Just like normal). Around the outside of the room stood sinks and chopping boards of different colours. Pots and pans littered the counters and the floor like they were in a dump.

Bursting into the room, they found Megumi and Coon cornered by Milo, Logan and Bella. Rei stood by the other door of the kitchen, watching in what almost seemed like horror. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Where is he?" Demanded Milo furiously. "Where is that crap stain Harry?"
"We don't know!" Megumi replied in despair.
"Liar! We saw him head up this way." Bella countered getting closer to Megumi with a hockey stick.

"Hey assholes, Leave them alone!" Olly requested in a stern manner.
"Yeah?" Logan asked sarcastically. "Who's gonna stop us? Sir noodle arms? Maybe dork girl?"

With that, Milo threw one of the javelins across the room. Looking like a professional whale hunter, his "poon-manship" skills were off the scale. Piercing the air, the javelin was heading straight for Olly's chest. There was nothing he could do to react; it was coming at him too fast. Swiftly, Harry came out of the shadows. Diving in front of Olly, when the javelin was less than a metre away. Olly watched in horror from behind Harry, as the javelin punched him.

Harry stumbled backwards and fell to his knees, due to the force of the impact. "Harry..." Emily whispered behind Olly. He stayed there for a couple of seconds, before starting to get back up again. "How was he still getting up after that?" Olly puzzled. Harry threw the javelin to the ground, revealing that it had not hit him. It had got stuck in a chopping board that he grabbed from the side.

With this distraction, Coon tackled Logan, catching him off guard. As Logan fell, he released the baseball bat he was holding, leaving a perfect opportunity for Coon to grab it. Coon knocked out Logan with a single punch and then tossed the bat to Megumi. She turned towards Bella. "En garde!" Megumi playfully simpered.

Milo, shaking off the awe of what just happened, decided to keep throwing javelins at Harry. This time Olly backed him up with a second chopping board, while Emily threw pots and pans from behind this shield.

Two knights fought bravely in the corner. One, Madam Megumi of the round table. The other was Black Knight Bella. Taking swings at each other, they clashed together. With bat and stick locked in combat, pushing against each other, they each sought to throw each other off balance. A nimble twist of the wrist from Megumi upset the harmony of the clash. The unexpecting Bella stumbled forward and seizing the opportunity, Megumi disarmed her. This caused her hockey stick to fly out of her hands, and into Coon's. Quickly, Bella raised up her hands, surrendering.

Seeing that Harry was still in trouble, Coon thwacked Milo's non-anticipating leg. The crunching sound of a huge branch falling off a tree echoed the room. The leg now had a second knee. A knee that he was not meant to have. "ARGH, you filthy rodent! I will kill you for that!" Milo yelled from the ground. As he went to grab his last javelin, Coon then swung yet again. This time the crunch was even louder, as his arm flopped down.

Rei was observing the violence with horror from the door, while Milo kept screaming like a whale that just got harpooned. Coon, Megumi, Harry, Emily and Olly slowly backed away, out the door to the art classroom once again. What a mess they had left.


Author Note: Thank you, everyone, for getting this far and I hope you will continue to enjoy this story. :)

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