Raining (Remastered)

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((Something special! A remaster/redo of the first oneshot I made back in 2017. I have changed in writing and my views of these two so much since then! Frankly, Raining is the only oneshot I dislike out of all of them, so let me redo it! Is there other ones of my old oneshots you'd like me to remaster??? Was this a good change/idea?? Let me know!❤))

Pucca P.O.V.

    I sat in my room on the windowseat in front of my big window, watching rain fall in buckets onto the ground. I was so bored, and the storm was so horrendous the power went out in Sooga village. We were left lightless, and heatless, as dark clouds shadowed the sun this afternoon. So we went around and lit our apartment with as many candles as we could find. The air was thick with the scent of melting wax and multiple diverse candle fragrances. I heard noises coming from below me, which would be the restaurant. I walked down our dark hall that led to the kitchen and sitting room. My uncles were listening in on the noises as well. It sounded like strong forceful pounding on a door or wall.

   My uncles suggested I stay up here, in case something dangerous was happening. I figured it was flooding, so I stayed upstairs, not worrying about any danger. I took the chance to sit on the couch and glimpse around at the little flames on every surface of our home. It was so romantic, cozy, and I liked the smell. After around ten minutes, I heard my uncles, struggling to get up the stairs.

   They shuffled in, drenched to the knees in water. I turned my head casually to get a glimpse of the person that came in behind them. My eyes widened to see Garu standing there. I straightened my posture and looked at him, and then my uncles confusingly.

   "You're okay now, Garu." Uncle Ho said grabbing a towel for him.

   Garu let Mio go from his arms, and took the towel. He ruffled it through his hair. Which was down, drenched in water, had leaves, and twigs in it. I looked down and noticed there was a gash from his knee down to his ankle. His pants were ripped and the gash had blood trickling down his shoe. I gasped, pointing at the gash on his leg.

   "Here, Garu come with me." Uncle Linguini said taking him into the guest bedroom. "Ho, bring the first aid kit." He said and Uncle Ho followed.

   "I'm not sure what happened Pucca. But, Garu was pounding on the door. The water made it hard to open, but once we did, he fell into our arms. We had to help him walk up the stairs. He's a bit frightened right now. So, go easy on him, okay?" Uncle Dumpling explained and I nodded worriedly.

   After around twenty minutes, Garu walked into the sitting room, and he was all dry. He was wearing my Uncle Linguini's red buffalo plaid pj pants and an old black t-shirt. He hesitantly looked over at me and I waved smiling. I motioned for him to sit on the couch across from me. I know he was expecting me to get close to him. But, I was more worried about how he was feeling, and I was too worried about hurting him to give him a hug. He sat down holding himself, slightly shaking. Mio jumped on the couch and laid close beside him. I got out some blankets from the storage coffee table between us, and handed them to him. He took them, nodding at me, and wrapped himself up. He looked so darn cute, like a little burrito. His hair was so fluffy looking and it was so nice seeing it down. He was avoiding my gaze, and when my uncles walked in the room he glanced over at them.

   "I almost died." He hoarsely whimpered and all of our eyes widened at the shocking first words he has spoken to us, ever.

   "What happened?" My Uncle Linguini asked as my uncles sat down around him and I.

   "Big t-tree." He cleared his throat. "Fell on my house. I heard it and rolled over. Broke through the roof, and a big branch landed on my leg." He looked down at his leg. "Water rushed in, and I couldn't m-move. I got free, grabbed Mio, and limped to the village. No one answered the doors, except for you. Thank you." He explained shakily.

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