Pucca Diary Entry 2

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((Whoa, I actually wrote a second one...now it makes sense the first one says 'entry 1'. Enjoy! 💕))

Dear Diary,

   I had the most amazing dream last night, and I would kick myself if I didn't write it down. It will be so much better if I wrote it from my perspective, instead of just writing what happened. So, that's what I'll do.

Pucca P.O.V.

   It started off as a normal day, I was walking with Ching to Garu's house where he and Abyo were sparring. I sat down on the grass with Ching and she chatted with me while we watched them. Abyo soon lost, again, and demanded Garu for a rematch. Garu shook his head, and started walking toward Ching and I. He sat down on the grass in front of us and waved, we waved back to him. I was blushing already from him being close to me, it was so unusual I decided not to tackle him. Abyo sat down alongside us, causing Garu to scoot over in front of me, and we started talking. Well, Garu and I listened and nodded if needed.

   I saw Garu look at me out of the corner of my eye. I looked up at him and he continued to look at me, smiling. Almost as if he was waiting for me to respond to a question, but no one asked me anything. In the middle of Ching ranting to Abyo, he slid a folded piece of paper at the side of me. He put his finger to his mouth and shushed me, so I didn't touch the paper. Eventually I stuck it in my pocket to read later.

   While Ching and I walked back in town, the anticipation of the note started to overwhelm me. Just wondering what it could be, maybe it's a confession! You know, of his secret love for me. I was squealing inside at the thought, but then tried to relax. I thought maybe I was overreacting, and it was just something silly.

   When I got to the Goh Rong, I immediately ran up the stairs, into the apartment, and busted into my room. I took the note out of my pocket and desperately opened it up.

   Pucca, please come back to my house at around 6. I have something to show you. -Garu

   I was so bewildered by it, but still excited. Garu wants to...see me??? He has never wanted me to come over alone before. I blushed at the thought of us being alone together, and hugged the note. It was his handwriting, I blushed, and ran my fingers across it. The boy who pushes me away, and avoids me, wants to see me alone? To...show me something? I laid back in my bed holding the note with my eyes closed.

   I made sure I wasn't seen going in the woods, but once shielded by the trees I practically ran to Garu's house. He wanted the note to be a secret, so he probably didn't want anyone to follow me. I got to his house and he was outside. He looked so...different...

   His hair was down, it is never down! Also...he wasn't wearing his ninja suit! It was instead a black long sleeved t-shirt, and black cargo pants. Not even his ninja shoes, black combat boots instead. I blushed at the sight of him in a different outfit, and walked up to him. He looked at me smiling, and motioned for him to follow me deeper into the woods.

   I walked beside him, and we walked in the woods for quite awhile. I was so nervous, I didn't even think about tackling him. Every once in awhile I caught him looking at me. He would just smile and casually look back to where he was walking.

   Eventually, he took us off the trail, we walked through some tough terrain, but I still followed close behind. At this point, even if I wanted to leave, I'd get lost in the brush of the woods. I put all the trust in my love, that he knew where he was going. He could hurt me, I thought. But, that's silly, Garu would never hurt a soul.

   He helped us move through a shrub, and when he got through he grabbed my hand to help me walk through myself. I looked out at where we were, and my mouth dropped. He was staring at me, waiting for my reaction. When he saw it, he laughed a bit. I walked forward up a small hill, and looked out at this amazing field in front of us. It was filled with flowers, and the grass was so soft. Surrounding it was thick bamboo forest, and there was a stream I could barely see in the distance. It was like a painting.

   Garu poked my shoulder, then pointed upwards. I looked up and the stars were showing. I never saw so many stars in my life. It was a beautiful night. I suddenly realized that I was alone with Garu, experiencing this romantic beauty. I blushed knowing he chose me to experience this with. I wondered if he ever brought anyone else here.

   We laid down on a hill going down, looking at the field and stars before us. I was so captivated, and excited to be there. After awhile I felt him roll over, and I looked his way. I blushed seeing him on his side, facing me. He was playing with grass blades beside my body. I was so nervous, I stayed flat on the hill, but kept looking at his fingers touching the grass. As soon as I looked back up at the stars, I felt the back of his hand brush against the side of my cheek. I looked at him blushing a deep crimson, and he smiled at me.

   I can barely tell what I felt when he put the palm of his hand on the side of my face on the opposite side of him. He turned my face facing him, and got closer to me. I blushed madly, and closed my eyes. Soon, I felt his breath against my face, and I braced myself. His lips touched mine, and I could taste him. It was so warm and sweet. I put my hands on his arms, and continued to kiss him. He broke away, but stayed close to my face. His hands were on the grass on either side of my head. He stared into my eyes, then stared at my lips. I blushed, and put my hands on his cheeks. After a few moments of silence as he stared at my lips, which felt like an eternity, he looked into my eyes again.

   "I love you." His deep voice cut through the sounds of the surroundings, and my eyes grew wide with astonishment.

   He spoke, like, really spoke! To me...his first words that broke his vow...a confession of his love for me! I smiled largely and pulled his face down into another kiss. So warm and so sweet. I was in heaven, and I couldn't believe what was going on.

   Well, I guess you could say I shouldn't have believed it, because I woke up during that second kiss. I woke up in my room, holding onto my garu plush. I sat up, looking around with wide eyes. I realized it was a dream, and couldn't help but cry. Silent tears rolled down my face, because it was too good to be true. I brought my knees up to my face and cried some more.

   I'm back to reality, the real world where Garu avoids me at every possible moment. Where he runs from me, even if I approach him slowly. A reality where it seems hopeless my true love will ever be with me. Yani jumped on my bed, and tried to comfort me in my sadness. I pet her, still with tears. I felt him kiss me, I really did. I could taste his lips on mine, I could feel his hands on my face. That voice, I heard him talk. Gosh, it was such a good dream. So good that it makes me tear up thinking about it. I dream of my love all the time, but never that detailed.

   My sweet prince...he might never be with me. Only in my dreams can I feel him love me. My only hope is that it was some sort of vision of the future, and not a dream. Maybe I time traveled and-...I'm hopeless. My uncles are calling me downstairs diary, I have to go now. I know I'll be reading this entry many times, to relive what I felt in that dream.





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