Ch. 3

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Remus woke up at a ball.

He immediately frowned, this seemed like a dream Roman would have. Not Remus. Either all these people were about to die a horrible death, or something was up.

"May I have this dance?" Someone asked next to him, holding out their gloved hand.

Remus immediately recognized this person as Deceit.

Deceit wore a black suit with a yellow bowtie around his neck. His bowler hat was gone, but his hair framed his face so perfectly that Remus hardly cared.

Remus nodded, too stunned to say anything. He took Deceit's hand, and let him lead Remus to the dance floor.

Remus was confused as to what was going on. Why was Deceit here? Who hosted this ball? Was something bad going to happen?

"I'm Remus." He heard himself say. He was so stunned by Deceit's appearance that he didn't fully register that he had dialogue in this one.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Remus." Deceit bent down and placed a kiss on Remus' hand. Remus turned the color of Roman's sash.

They begin dancing, and Remus instinctively let Deceit take the lead. It came so naturally to him, it felt so relaxing.

Remus didn't remember walking to the garden with Deceit, but they were there now.

"I'm the prince," Deceit smiled sadly. "I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would treat me differently."

"I would treat you the same even if you were a heartless killer." Remus knew that wasn't true. If Deceit were a heartless killer, he'd probably treat him with admiration and respect.

Deceit walked closer to Remus, who did the same. They both leaned in, almost as if someone was pushing them together.

Their lips met, and Remus suddenly felt as if everything was right in the world. As if all problems had been solved just like that.

The clock struck midnight, and a feeling of dread settled into Remus' chest. He couldn't explain how, but he knew that he needed to go.

He pulled away from Deceit, who frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I need to go." He heard himself say, standing up. He quickly rushed out of the garden, Deceit on his heels.

"But when will I see you again?" Deceit asked, looking concerned.

"Never!" He heard himself say. Heartbreak ran through him. Never seeing Deceit again? He had already lost Virgil, he couldn't lose Deceit too.

As Remus ran down the steps, one of his shoes came off, nearly tripping him. He kept going, knowing Deceit was probably chasing him.

He climbed in his carriage, and sped away from the palace.

Remus finally realized that the plot of Cinderella was playing out. Remus as Cinderella, Deceit as the prince.

As soon as he became aware, the Imagination reverted back to its original form.

Remus frowned.

He had kissed Deceit.


Something was wrong with him, surely.

Maybe this was just a coincidence.

Or maybe...

Remus huffed, he had to ask Logan.


"Hey, Logan?" Remus asked, appearing in Logan's room. Logan jumped.

"Remus, please knock next time." Logan frowned.

"Sorry." Remus cleared his throat. Logan's brow furrowed.

Remus never apologized. Ever.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, giving Remus his full attention.

"I have a...question." Remus mumbled, blushing like a lovesick fool.

"Okay." Logan said slowly. "What's your question?"

"Um, so, if you...kiss...someone in a dream, what does that mean?" Remus asked, fiddling with his hands. Logan rose his brow.

"Well if you have this dream repeatedly, it could be something you either really want or really don't want." Logan pushed up his glasses. "Why?"

"No--no reason!" Remus stammered.

"...really?" Logan asked, unconvinced.


"No reason at all?"

"Oh, silly me! Doing random things!"

"Are you sure? Did you dream about kissing one of the othe--?"

"WOW!" Remus yelled, turning his face into a butt. "I REALLY AM AN ASSHOLE!"

"Get out."


Remus paced back and forth in his room.

It was either something he wanted or didn't want at all. It was that simple.

But which was it?

"Ree?" Deceit knocked on Remus' door, making him jump. "Are you alright? You've been in there all day."

All day? What? It was only noon.

He glanced at his clock.

6:26 P.M.

"That's...not noon." Remus mumbled.

Had he really spent all day pacing and muttering to himself like a psychopath? And not even the fun kind of psycho!

Okay, something was wrong. This had never happened before.

"Remus?" Deceit called from outside the door.

Remus wrenched the door open, startling Deceit.

Remus opened his mouth to speak, before he turned bright red when he noticed Deceit wasn't wearing his hat. "Where's your hat?" He asked quietly.

"What? It's on my--" Deceit reached up to grab his hat, before he realized it wasn't there. He furrowed his brow, seeming to forget about Remus completely for a moment. "How could it have left my head without me noticing?"

"Maybe you took it off for a moment and forgot to put it back on." Remus mumbled distractedly, the memory of Deceit asking him to dance being the only thing he could think about.

"Why would I--?" Deceit cut himself off, shaking his head as if to say 'it's not worth it'. "Maybe one of the others stole it, I'll look in their rooms. They're having a movie night."

"Movie night, you say?" Remus smirked, eager for a distraction.

"Don't--and you're already naked. Wow." Deceit said, averting his eyes.

"Good luck finding your hat, Dee-Dee!" Remus beamed as he sunk out.

A/ N:

Bro the map for this is so long we got a lot of ground to cover.

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