Ch. 19

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Also, this chapter is pure chaos. So, here are your trigger warnings.

TW: Panic Attack, Disassociation, and forced dancing??

Remus had given the room a once over. Patton and Virgil weren't anywhere to be found. At least, he couldn't see them from where he was.

Janus and Roman had begun dancing. Where was the music coming from? Remus had no idea.

Both of them had huge smiles on their faces. Remus chuckled. We'll see if you'll be smiling in a second.


Roman twirled Janus, chuckling. He was glad that Janus seemed to be enjoying this as much as Roman was. He was finally making things up from the last date.

Roman spun them, and let out a small yelp when he felt someone run into them.

Another pair of dancers. A man and a woman.

"I thought you said it would be just the two of us." Janus murmured, glancing at Roman.

"I thought it would be..." Roman furrowed his brow in confusion.

Another pair bumped into them. Two men, this time. Roman turned around, and a feeling of dread settled itself in Roman's stomach.

The ballroom was full of people.

Janus didn't do well in large crowds.

"Roman--What--" Janus looked around frantically. Roman placed his hands on Janus' shoulders.

"Just breathe. I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to fix it--"

All of a sudden, someone grabbed Janus by the hand. He was whisked away into the crowd, dancing with a stranger.

"Janus?!" Roman cried. His hand was suddenly grabbed as well.

He was suddenly dancing with a woman, but he paid her no mind. He looked around, trying to see if he could find his boyfriend.


The partners kept changing at an alarming rate, making Roman's head spin. He couldn't even begin to imagine what Janus was feeling right now.

"JANUS?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Roman screamed. He tried to tear his hands away from the person he was currently dancing with, but his hands seemed to be stuck in place.


Virgil had quickly pulled Patton into the crowd as soon as he caught sight of it.

It was chaotic. There was no order to the dancing. Everyone seemed to be doing completely different things.

This was the work of Remus, no doubt about it.

"No matter what happens, you stick with me. Got it?" Virgil told Patton, who gave him a firm nod.

That didn't stop them from getting whisked away from each other upon entry.

"Shit--PATTON?!" Virgil yelled, though he knew that Patton couldn't hear him over the music.


Roman felt as if he could puke. This had gone horribly wrong. He just wanted to see Janus again. Make sure he was okay.

He was forced onto another partner, and his eyes widened at who it was.

"What--Remus?!" Roman squawked. "What are you doing here?!"

"It's nice to see you too, brother!" Remus shot him a vicious grin. "Enjoying your little ball?"

"Is this your doing?!" Roman asked. Remus just gave him a mysterious smile, and Roman knew the answer. "Why would you do this?!"

"Why?!" Remus echoed, glowering at him. "I'll tell you why! Because since the day we were separated, you've ruined my life! You've taken everything! Everything I've wanted! Everything I've dreamed about! Everyone I've loved!"

"What are you talking about?!" Roman yelled. "You're not making any sense!"

Remus growled, before giving him a condescending smirk. "You're looking a little peckish, brother! You look like you could use a snack!"

And with that, Roman was pushed towards the snack bar.

He crashed through the table and hit the wall.


And as his consciousness faded, he thought he saw something purple rushing towards him.


Janus could barely breathe. Everything was too hot. Everyone was too close.

Why would Roman do this?! He knows I don't like this kind of thing!

Janus felt pathetic. He had burst into tears by his third partner. He just wanted to leave. To sink out. But in all this commotion, he seemed to have forgotten how.

He didn't even know which partner he was on, now. Everything was blurring together, and Janus just felt numb.

Someone took his hand, and pulled him into an embrace. "Oh kiddo, are you okay? Just breathe for me, it's alright. I'm right here."

Janus sunk to the floor, taking the person down with him.

He collapsed into sobs, holding onto the person for dear life.

"That's right, just let it out. I've got you. You're alright."


"Roman! Roman, wake up!" Virgil shook Roman, trying to rouse some sort of reaction out of the prince. "Roman!"

He slapped Roman in the face.


"Roman, I swear--"

Someone grabbed his hand, and he was whisked back onto the dance floor.

The last glimpse he caught of the prince, was his limp form slumping against the wall.


Patton tried his hardest to stay with Janus, but he was pulled back into the dance before he knew it.

The poor thing wasn't looking so good. He was pale, and shaking.

He hoped Janus made it out of this alright.

He was thrown onto a new partner, and a sense of relief overtook him. "Virgil!"

"Oh thank God, you're alright." Virgil released a breath. "I wish I could say the same for Roman."

"Roman? What's wrong with--"

They were pulled apart yet again, and Patton was more concerned than ever.


And all of a sudden, all the extra people dissapeared.

Janus collapsed to his knees, taking huge gulps of air.

Patton immediately rushed over to Roman, spotting him instantly.

Virgil marched up to Remus, who was stood in the center of the room with a large smile. "You have some nerve!"

"Oh? Is there a problem?" Remus smirked.

"Look at what you did to him!" Virgil snapped, pointing at Janus.

He was shaking on the floor, hands wrapped around himself. He didn't really seem to be aware of anything that was going on, eyes darting around frantically.

"He'll be fine." Remus mumbled, though he did seem slightly remorseful. "And that's a point for me."

And with that, Remus sunk out.


Still laughing about how y'all really thought Logan would confess to Remus while he was WORKING--

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