Ch. 14

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"It's dumb, right? Just so fucking stupid!" Remus laughed humorlessly.

"No, Remus that's--" Virgil furrowed his brow. "Did Roman know? About your feelings?"

"Yes!" Remus shouted, before faltering slightly. "No? I don't know! It doesn't matter now!"

"Remus, you've gotta talk to him about this." Virgil told him. "He'll understand."

"And then what? Huh? He'll just break up with Janus because of me?" Remus asked. "He won't do that and you know it!"

"But you can't just keep it to yourself, that's--"

"I'm not keeping it to myself. I told you, didn't I?" Remus rose a brow. "I don't stand a chance with Janus anymore. Not unless he breaks up with my brother."

"I'm sorr--"

"Not unless he breaks up with my brother..." Remus repeated, furrowing his brow. "That's it! I'll break them up!"

"What?" Virgil asked incredulously. "Remus, you can't--"

"And why not?!" Remus exclaimed. "Aren't I supposed to fight for love?!"

"Not like this!" Virgil snapped. "Face it, Remus! You waited too long, and Janus fell for Roman first!"

"You don't fucking get it!" Remus yelled. "I love him way more than that--that royalty-wanna-be could ever!"

"You don't know that!" Virgil exclaimed. "Don't get involved, Remus! Do you hear me?! You'll only end up regretting it!"

"Why should I listen to you?! You're not the boss of me!" Remus hissed. "You abandoned me to go fuck Patton!"

"Don't even go there." Virgil seethed. "Y'know what? Fine. Do it. But don't come crawling back to me when it all goes to hell."

"I won't!" Remus spat. Virgil scoffed, before sinking out.

Remus had made up his mind.

Operation "Break Roceit Up" was a go.


Remus swung his bedroom door open (failing to notice the note on his door that fluttered into a potted plant in his room) and marched foward with purpose in his step.

Fine. He would let Roman have all the praise, and the admiration. All of the love and hugs and cuddles and whatever. But he absolutely refused to let Roman have this.

He froze mid-step.

You fucking idiot.

He realized that he had no plan.

How would he break them up? Better question: how cou,d he break them up without them hating him for it?

Logan would know what to do.



"What is it this time, Remus?" Logan asked, looking up from the paper he was writing on.

"I need your help!" Remus chirped. "I'm thinking about getting everyone's input on this, but I'm going to ask you first!"

"Why me?" Logan asked, raising a brow.

"Because you're the smartest side here!" Remus exclaimed.

Logan's eyes widened as he flushed slightly, not used to receiving compliments. "Th-Thank you, Remus. Now, what is your problem?"

"Let's say there's this couple." Remus plopped down on the floor. "And you want to break them up."

"Why would I want to break them up?" Logan asked, tilting his head.

"You can come up with that reason."


"How would you break them up, but make it so they don't know you were behind it?" Remus asked.

"Well that's easy," Logan pushed his glasses up. "I would--"

Remus took mental notes as Logan talked. The plan Logan had told him of was brilliant, though that wasn't surprising.

Logan got progressively more into it as he spoke, eyes shining with pride of his own brilliance as he went on. A small smile had formed on his lips somewhere during it, but Remus wasn't sure when.

"That's amazing, Lo-Lo!" Remus beamed. "You're a genius!"

Logan flushed again, averting his eyes. "It's really nothing."

"No, you're so amazing! Really!" Remus exclaimed.

"St-Stop." Logan stammered, sinking in on himself slightly in embarrassment.

"I gotta go! Thanks again, Logan!" And with that, Remus sunk out.


Virgil scowled, glaring at his bedroom wall. He couldn't believe Remus. He was being ridiculous.

He had put on his headphones, which were blasting old My Chemical Romance songs. He knew he should calm down, nothing good ever came out of an angry Virgil.

But Remus was acting so immature, it pissed Virgil off.

He jumped when his headphones were gently taken off of his head and placed on his nightstand.

He looked up at the fiend who would do such a thing, only finding his boyfriend instead.

"Are you okay?" Patton asked gently.

"What are you--you're not supposed to be in here." Virgil furrowed his brow. "You know how my room affects--"

"I know, I know." Patton shushed him. "But you haven't come out all day, and I was worried."

"I'm sorry, Patton. I've just been thinking." Virgil huffed.

"About what?" Patton asked, sitting down on Virgil's bed.

"Remus is being an idiot again." Virgil huffed. "He's trying to sabotage Roman and Janus' relationship."

"What? They're dating?" Patton gasped, clapping his hands together. He frowned. "Why does Remus want to break them up?"

"It's not my place to tell." Virgil grumbled.

"Well, we have to stop him!" Patton exclaimed, determined. "We can't let Remus break them up when they've only just begun!"

"How do we do that, Pat? I don't even know what Remus plans on doing." Virgil frowned.

"Well--uh--we can find out!" Patton nodded firmly. "We can't just sit back and do nothing!"

"How are we going to find out?" Virgil asked, deciding to humor him.

"We can spy on him! I'm super sneaky, I'll have you know." Patton smiled. "Janus even said so himself the other day."

"Did he, now?" Virgil chuckled. "Fine, you've convinced me."



Alright, we have all of our pieces set. How do you think the rest of the book is going to go?

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