Ch. 6

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Remus woke up on a battlefield. One of the soldiers took a bullet for him, and Remus wasn't sure he if he should be amused or horny.

"General!" One of the soldiers (who was the spitting image of Logan) came running up to him. "He's got us outnumbered! We have to retreat!"

"We can't give up now! This is our only chance!" Was the line that came out of his mouth.

"You have to get home to your husband! You can't die here!" The soldier cried.

"Janus is strong, he'll manage." Remus said, as if to confirm his suspicions as to who his husband was.

Remus mentally growled in annoyance. He was still having these types of dreams, even now?!

"That's a lie and you know it!" The soldier snapped. Remus idly wondered why no one was attacking them while they had this friendly chat.

"We push harder." Remus said firmly. Who were they even fighting, anyhow? Remus' soldiers were clad in black and green uniforms, and the enemy soldiers were wearing red and gold ones.

Ha, figures.

The soldier gave him a cold look and a salute. "Yes sir."

Suddenly, as if the dream remembered this was a battle, Remus had the sudden urge to take out his morning star and start bashing the opponent.

So he did exactly that.

He killed soldier after soldier, a large grin on his face. This was fun! He could get used to this! It was enough to distract him from the fact that Janus was his love interest again.

Oh, well he just had to say that.

Now that was the only thing on his mind. Why was he still having these dreams, even when he was ignoring Janus? Was that not the right solution to his problem? If it wasn't, what was?

The dream faded away around him, but Remus didn't even seem to notice. He kept swinging and bashing at absolutely nothing, too caught up in his thoughts to notice.

"What the hell--?"

Remus jumped, weapon falling out of his hands and disappearing the second it hit the floor. "V-Virgil!"

"What are you doing?" Virgil asked incredulously.

"Uh...I should be the one asking you that." Remus purred, masking his suprise. "What brings you to the Imagination, Virgey?"

He bounded up the emo, grinning wildly. "Are you finally accepting the offer I gave you?"

"No, I'm not here to carve out the tongues of babies." Virgil shuddered.

"Poo." Was all Remus said, crossing his arms.

"I'm here at the request of a certain snake." Virgil shrugged, slipping his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

Oh boy, Remus got the feeling he wasn't going to like this. "Oh really?" He chirped, praying that the dread he was feeling didn't leak into his voice.

Virgil, obviously, picked up on his anxiety. He rose a brow. "Really, he seemed rather concerned."

"Did he now?" Remus hummed, summoning a bottle of poison. He made himself busy by swirling the deadly liquid around.

"What the fuck is going on, Remus?"

"Not even going to attempt to beat around the bush, hmm?" Remus smirked, not taking his eyes off the poison.

"Answer the question."

Remus opted to say nothing. He couldn't lie, it was one of the things he hated about his role. He knew the truth would come spilling out the moment he went to talk.

If Remus didn't know any better, he might've said that Virgil's eyes softened slightly. "I just wanna help you, Ree."

"Aww, how sweet of you! Caring about little ol' me!" Remus giggled, popping open the bottle of poison and taking a swig.

"Is it serious?"


"So there is something going on."

"No point in denying it." Remus shrugged, taking another sip. He sighed. He really was causing so many problems in trying to solve his own. What was new?

Virgil, apparently unnerved by the sheer amount of melancholy in his sigh, stared at him blankly. "So, do you plan on telling me what the problem is?"

"Nope!" Remus grinned, finishing the bottle off with one large swig. The stuff was absolutely disgusting, Remus loved it.

"Remus!" Virgil snapped. Whoops. Apparently Remus had used up the last of Virgil's patience. Did he ever have any?

"Ooh, talk to me like that again! The fire in your eyes is making me feel some type of way~" Remus smirked.

"Remus, talk to me." Virgil sighed, looking so frustrated and so tired. "What's going on?"

"I..." Remus debated whether he should tell Virgil or not. The emo wouldn't laugh at him, would he? Surely not. He would understand completely. "Recently..."

"Go on."

"I've been having...dreams." Remus bit into the glass bottle the poison was in.

"What kind of dreams?" Virgil asked, watching in disgust and horror as Remus swallowed fucking glass.

So Remus explained to Virgil his problem. He told him about his dreams, and his trip to Logan's, how he overheard Roman and Janus talking. Everything.

Virgil stared at him for a moment.

He burst into laughter.

Remus immediately began to laugh with him, though he felt like a large boulder had been placed on his chest. "I know, stupid right?"

"And here I thought," Virgil finally calmed himself down, still smirking in amusement. "that you were dying or something."

"Oh, you would love that." Remus snarked. Remus' eyes suddenly widened. "Y-You won't tell him, right?! Please don't! I'll do anything!" Remus begged.

"Woah, slow down." Virgil snorted. "I won't say a word, I promise."


"Yes, really." Virgil chuckled. " to him soon, okay? He misses you."


"Well, I've overstayed my welcome." Virgil pulled his hood over his head.

"Since when were you welcome?"

"Exactly." Virgil smirked. "See ya." He gave Remus a mock salute, before sinking out.


The writing process behind this was so epic and intense you have no idea--

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