Ch. 7

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Sometimes Remus liked to sneak into Roman's side of the Imagination. Although he found the majority of it creepy and strange, he and his brother had one thing in common for sure.

They both loved the stars.

Remus remembers looking up at the stars in that very spot with his brother a long time ago.

Roman had told him fantastical stories about knights and fair princes, making sure to ignore the ideas that Remus added in.

Remus remembers going to look at the stars shortly after he became a dark side. It was the constant he needed when everything was always changing around him.

His friends, his surroundings, everything was evolving. All he could do was watch as he was left behind, never changing.

He knew no one liked him because of that. They were growing up and he just...wasn't. His mindset never matured, he was beginning to doubt it ever would.

He had done a lot of thinking ever since his talk with Virgil, dangerous right? It had been about two weeks since then.

He missed Janus. A little too much to be considered normal, really. In their time apart, Janus was the only thing on Remus' mind.

His laugh, it was infectious. It affected Remus like a drug. It made him feel fuzzy, so happy. He was beginning to think he was addicted.

The way he spoke with confidence, keeping you hooked on every word no matter how uninteresting the topic was. Your attention would be immediately grabbed. If you wouldn't look at him, he would make you look at him.

The way he looked at Remus with such fondness. It made him feel warm. Not in a sexual way, surprisingly.  It just made him feel good. He couldn't really explain it.

Remus sighed. His problem wasn't resolving itself like he had hoped. He let out a groan of frustration, sitting up.

He didn't know what to do. His dreams seemed to have gotten WORSE somehow. They didn't even bother trying to be subtle about who they were talking about anymore.

Like the recent one, where he had awoke to the gentle kisses of Janus and soft touches. The admiration that shined so brightly in his eyes sent a jolt of electricity down Remus' spine.

He covered his face with his hands. What was happening to him?


Remus jumped, standing up.

There stood Roman, in his red and puffy eyed glory.

"O-Oh! Hey, Ro-Ro!" Remus stammered.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to look at the stars." Remus gave him a grin.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Roman walked over sat on the ground next to him. Remus hesitated, before slowing sitting back down.

"Why do you think something is wrong?" Remus frowned.

"You only ever come look at the stars when something is bothering you. You've always been that way." Roman hummed.

" you ever--" Remus cut himself off, shaking his head. "Nevermind, it's stupid."

"Everything with you is stupid." Roman rolled his eyes playfully. "Doesn't mean it's not worth listening to."

"What?" Remus asked. Roman shrugged. "Anyways, why are you here? You rarely come look at the stars anymore."

"Just because you haven't seen me doing it, doesn't mean I don't." Roman scoffed. "And I came here to think."

Remus hummed in response, laying back down and looking up at the sky. Roman followed his example.



"Do you ever feel weird around someone?"


"Like, they make you happy. Really happy. So happy that you feel...warm?"

Roman chuckled. "So that's what it is, huh?"

"You know what it is?"

"Quite well, I represent it after all." Roman gave him a lopsided grin. "It sounds like you're in love, Ree."


"That's wonderful, Remus! I'm so happy for you!" Roman grinned widely. "Who is it? I must know at once!"

"I--No, you're wrong." Remus shook his head. "I'm not in love with him. I'm not. That's not possible."

"Why is it not possible?" Roman asked.

"I-It just isn't, okay?!" Remus stood up abruptly. "Listen, I gotta go."

"Wait--Remus--I didn't mean to upset you--"

"Well, ya did! So bye!" Remus sunk out.


"Virgil!" Janus exclaimed, storming into Anxiety's room. "You've been avoiding me ever since talking to Remus!"

"Why hello to you too, Janus." Virgil rolled his eyes, turning off his phone so the snake could have his full attention.

"What did Remus say?!" Janus asked. "I need to know!"

"He's working through some stuff, okay?" Virgil chuckled, a smirk on his face. "He'll talk to you soon."

"What...What kind of stuff?" Janus asked, brow furrowing in concern.

"It's not my place to tell you." Virgil shrugged, crossing his arms. "He'll tell you in his own time."

"Does it involve me?" Janus asked.

"Yup." Virgil hummed. He frowned when a surge of anxiety suddenly came from Janus. "Nothing bad, trust me." He quickly reassured.

Janus was confused, but didn't press the subject any further. "And you're positive he'll talk to me?"

"Yes, Janus. I'm sure." Virgil gave him an awkward smile. "So cheer up, okay? He's not going anywhere."

"...Thanks, Virgil."

"Anytime, Janus." Virgil smirked.


Was gonna write some more but figured this was a good place to end it.

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