Ch. 29

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Remus had decided to take Janus to his side of the Imagination. He knew his control over it was practically nonexistent, but the monsters had agreed to remain quiet for the entire time Janus was there.

Janus looked around the completely white scenery. "This is, uh, nice."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't make you anything like Roman would've." Remus said. "I've been working on making large scenery, but I don't really have enough control over this place yet."

"It's fine." Janus waved him off. "So..."


"What do you have in mind?" Janus asked. "As far as this date goes."

"Well, there's this fun thing I learned to do!" Remus chirped.

He snapped, and a carbon copy of Roman stood in front of them.

Janus jumped. "Wha--"

Remus summoned his morning star and hit the clone over the head with it.

'Roman' stumbled a bit, then collapsed in a heap on the floor.

Janus glanced between the clone and Remus, not really processing what just happened.

"I learned how to make clones! Cool, huh? So I was thinking..." Remus snapped again, and the Roman clone vanished. "Why don't we beat the shit out of the other's?!"

Janus blinked, slowly furrowing his brow. "You want to beat up clones of the light sides?"

"Exactly! Glad to see you're keeping up with me!" Remus giggled. "What do you say?" He summoned a dagger, holding it out to Janus.

"It's not exactly my idea of romantic." Janus mumbled, hesitantly taking the dagger.

"What do you mean? It's plenty romantic!" Remus summoned a clone of Virgil.

He summoned a rope, and began strangling Virgil. "Watching the life drain out of someone's life together, it'll naturally make us closer!"

He hummed, tightening his hold. The clone choked and gasped for air, clawing at the rope.

Janus watched in slight horror, clearly uncomfortable. "Is there anything else we can do? Like watch a movie, or something?"

"Uh, sure. If you wanna be boring!" Remus rolled his eyes. "Trust me, Jan-Jan! It's super fun!"

"I know I say I want to kill the others a lot, but this seems a little--"

"C'mon, Dee! What do you have to lose?" Remus asked. The life finally drained out of the clone's eyes, and he shoved the body foward. It slammed onto the floor.

"My morals?" Janus suggested, inching away from the corpse.

"Don't knock it before you try it!" Remus whined, resting the rope on his shoulders.

"Remus, I would really prefer it if we did something else." Janus said. "It's not really my ideal version of a first date."

"Fine." Remus pouted. "Then, how about this? We can just walk around this completely empty space, talk about whatever."

"Uh, sure." Janus nodded. "That sounds nice."

Remus was being sarcastic, but now he supposed he has to. He made the Virgil clone, and the rope, disappear.

"Right then." Remus shot Janus a grin. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Janus hummed.


"Have you ever been in love, Logan?" Roman sighed, picking at the grass in the Imagination.

"I have."

"Really?" Roman asked, suprised. "This is news to me."

"It would be. I've never told anyone." Logan hummed. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just..." Roman huffed, running a hand through his hair. "Do you think that giving up on that person is a bad decision?"

"I don't." Logan crossed his arms. "But that really depends on the situation."

"How do you mean?" Roman asked.

"If a relationship with them is possible, I think that you shouldn't ever give up on them." Logan mumbled. "But, if they're already taken, then I think it would be best if you just leave them be."

"I see..." Roman muttered. "You're...really smart, Logan."

Logan finally smiled for the first time that day. "Thank you, Roman."

Roman made a mental note to compliment Logan more often.

"If you don't mind me asking," Roman began. "Who was it that you had feelings for?"

Logan sighed, smile turning sad. Roman almost regretted asking.

"I figured you would ask that." Logan pushed up his glasses. "It doesn't matter. That was awhile ago."

"You don't wanna talk about it?"

"Not really. We've never really been that close." Logan hummed, looking away from Roman.

Roman frowned, furrowing his brow. "I didn't know you felt that way."

"It can't be helped." Logan shrugged.

"Uh, yeah it can." Roman scoffed. "If you feel that we aren't close, you gotta speak up about it! Now that I think about it, we don't hang out that much. Let's make this a weekly thing!"

"Let's not."

"We can go stargazing, and make some s'mores." Roman rambled on, ignoring Logan. "Or we could paint! Or maybe I could make, like, a statue or whatever? You like those, right?"

"I'd prefer to stay in my room." Logan told him. "By myself. Alone."

"That's probably why we aren't that close." Roman mumbled to himself. "Well, how about this? I'll lend you some of my books!"

Logan instantly perked up, though he tried to hide it by shifting himself. "Books?"

"Yeah! I have tons of books! I'm a sucker for a good story, after all!" Roman beamed. "And I know you've practically memorized that copy of Romeo and Juliet I gave you last year! You probably need a pallet cleanser!"

"That...would be nice." Logan admitted.

"Then it's decided!" Roman clapped his hands together. "I'll give you some of my favorites! Like Dear Evan Hansen, The School for Good and Evil, you name it!"

"You don't have to--"

"Nonsense!" Roman exclaimed, suddenly determined. "I want us to be closer, Logan! We have a lot in common, you know!"

"Oh? Like what?"

"We both work super hard, we both love books, and we both want what's best for Thomas!"

"Well, that last one is a given." Logan pointed out, an unimpressed look on his face.

Roman rambled on and on about the books he had on his shelf, stars dancing in his eyes.

Logan sighed, rolling his eyes fondly.

He was glad he had distracted Roman.


I'll be perfectly honest, the Roman and Logan part is just there to take up space.

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