Don't be so nervous

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I covered my mouth to hide my laugh from escaping as I stared at the meme on my phone. Of course it was not an appropriate time to laugh since it was my last class of the day. What can I say- memes are what can turn a boring day into an absolute interesting one.

The bell rung which made students grab their bags and leave the classroom. I shoved my phone into my back pocket and put my notebook into my bag before getting up. I moved past a couple of people in the hallway and sighed. I really wish today was Friday.

As soon as I exited the school I spotted the familiar cute dark haired Tamaki. He had his back turned and hands shoved into his pockets while he seemed to be in deep thought. I quickly moved past a couple of students and tapped his right shoulder. He turned his head as I moved to his left to confuse him.


I laughed, "hi there." Tamaki flinched and nervously smiled. "H-Hi". He wouldn't admit it out loud but he really liked the little moments like this. Maybe one day he would, who knows.

"I have to say I'm really tired of not having longer weekends. Anyways how was your day?" He smiled a little as we continued to walk on the sidewalk.

"It was ok" He really would love to make conversation but he couldn't stop thinking about the advice Mirio gave him earlier. Something along the lines of 'just do it! Don't be so nervous, just try holding their hand or something'.

It was easier said then done. He was beyond nervous and didn't want to make you uncomfortable. However he also wanted to just show he cared and liked you. Meanwhile in the bushes on the side of you two, Mirio was trying his best to hide to see if Tamaki would finally gain the courage to use his advice.

"Just ok?" I teased him by poking his shoulder once again. Is that blush I see? He avoided his gaze even more if that was possible. "I..maybe m-more than ok."

" That's good, I was thinking we could maybe hang out tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded quickly,"y-yeah sure".

I was about to ask him what time when I heard a noise. I stopped walking and looked around us. "Huh? That's weird". He stopped walking as well as he looked behind me. "It was probably nothing!" He denied while looking at the bushes?

Behind the bushes Mirio put his fingers up to his lips signaling to keep quiet to Amajiki. Then gave him a thumbs up for good luck.

I started walking again with him ignoring whatever sound I thought I heard. It was probably just a bird or something. "We can walk to my house after school tomorrow like usual to hang out". He nodded in response. There was a comfortable silence that I liked with him. I didn't mind at all. Though I felt a sort of warmth skim against my hand. I peeked down and noticed Tamaki's hand softly grasping my hand. I blushed as I kept my gaze forward and interlocked my fingers with his. Shit now I can't stop smiling.

It was a really good day.


Mirio smiled as he patted Tamaki on the back, "I knew you could do it! Next thing you know you'll take them on a date~". Tamaki blushed and shook his head out of nervousness. "D-Date?! Really? Uhm"

His best friend chuckled and nodded at his flushed face. "Yeah! You two obviously get along well and you always say how you like them". Tamaki sighed while trying to calm his racing heart. "As long as you don't spy on our date" he mumbled.


From now on I'll use they/them to keep the reader immersed no matter who you are❤️
I tried to keep this one interesting as I could so I hope you enjoyed, Next update will probably be soon no later than Monday so I hope you continue to enjoy this one shot book
Thank you!

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