Chapter 5

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The remainder of the day was uneventful -- being escorted back to the shelter by Osomatsu, updating the receptionist of my potential new job, and completing the chore that I was assigned for the day. I checked the donation area for clothes that would seem appropriate for working around animals, finding a rough hand-me-down pair of jeans and a few loose tee shirts that looked a little scuffed up. I had figured that Ichimatsu would have plans for me not to be in the front of the store, so this kind of casual dress would probably be acceptable.

The sun hadn't even started to peek over the horizon when I stopped in front of the café, my sweatshirt barely keeping the cold morning wind at bay as it rushed through the corridor-like streets. Taking a deep breath, I reached out and gently knocked on the front door, the feeling of guilt welling up when I saw some of the cats flick their ears towards the sound and raising their heads a little. I wasn't told, nor did I really ask, of where to go when I got here.

A light turned on deeper in the café, illuminating some of the large room before a man opened a door towards the back, his mouth widening in a yawn before his eyes settled on me. I could almost hear his disapproval as he shuffled towards the front door, his hand dipping into his pants pocket and bringing out a ring of keys, his fingers flipping through the collection before singling one out.

I took a step back as he slid the key into the door handle, twisting it a few times before opening the door and walking away. Quickly, I closed the door behind me and waited for him to give me further instructions, but raised an eyebrow in confusion as he simply kept walking away from me.

"Umm...excuse me...?" I quietly started to ask before his glare swept back towards me.

"You're working in the back room. Start preparing the recipes and try to have everything ready by seven o'clock," The door that Ichimatsu had walked through closed behind him, hiding him from my vision. No directions on where the back room was, and no further details on what food I was to prepare. Scrambling to find where I was supposed to go, I went to each door within the main room of the café and tested each handle to see if they were unlocked.

Testing the last door in the far back, it swung open easily and revealed part of a kitchen hidden by the walls that extended just past the doorway. It was quiet and cold, but the entire area was completely clean. There were cat food dishes neatly stacked up on one side of the kitchen, completely separate from the different sized food plates that were on the opposite side. Each stack had a label hanging beneath it, clearly marking each space for specific dishes. The kitchen layout was barely any different from the one at the shelter: a sink with three sections and a faucet with a spray attachment, a few cleaning liquids stored in a shelving unit in the corner that were labeled, and a wide array of cookware.

Hanging over what looked to be a preparation station was a binder with 'MORNING INSTRUCTIONS' on the front cover. I took it off the hook and opened it to see a detailed outline of what was expected each weekday and every weekend, the outline marking page numbers that could be easily referenced in case the reader became lost or unsure. I lightly smiled before setting it down and reading over what was scheduled for today: Wednesday.

'FOR CATS: Adults get one half can of wet food mixed with one half cup of dry food, kittens get one half canned food. Sophie (pink collar) has a special diet and needs her food prepared accordingly: One half can of dietary wet food for sensitive stomachs, and feed her after the others in the private room by the 'EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE'. Ensure that no other cats are in there before you close the door.

'FOR HUMANS: Pick up the previous night's order from the bakery, prepare the breads with their cheese counterparts for appetizers. After the order is picked up, stop by the fruit market and gather the daily ingredients needed for the café menu.'

For Those With Wings (Angel/AngelKiller!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now