Chapter 12

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A sigh escaped Osomatsu's lips as he leaned back in his office chair, the sermon fully edited on his computer as he waited for the printer on his desk to receive the document. His hands rubbed over his face as mental exhaustion kept trying to sink in after spending countless hours furiously typing out the sermon, sending it to his brothers for editing, re-editing their corrections and finalizing everything. Osomatsu tilted his head back until it lay on the chair, staring up listlessly at the ceiling.

He hadn't slept in who knows how many days, unable to rest while they were so close. The analog clock sounded each second as the printer spat out the sermon paper, the noise almost a comfort to Osomatsu's ears. One more day and then he could fully rest, as long as nothing messed up his plans.

When the printer finished, he straightened out and re-read everything on the paper for the hundredth time to ensure that everything was verbally acceptable before clipping them together and sliding it into a folder.

His mind wandered to (y/n), feeling elated that they were able to see her again after so long, and also feeling some pressure about showing off his speaking skills to her. Osomatsu had always strived for perfection, but with her so close now, he needed to absolutely be at his best.

A knock sounded on his closed door before it opened up, revealing a green-detailed cassock and the visibly upset man wearing it.

Osomatsu quietly turned to Choromatsu and only raised an eyebrow.

"(Y/n) is back at the shelter, escorted there by Karamatsu," The younger's eye twitched as he muttered the name, "It seems like they're getting closer."

"That's good news, then," Osomatsu reached up and began to play with the cloud-like emblem hanging off his stole, turning the metallic object about in his fingers.

"If you're sure of it. You know how dangerous that can be, especially with--"

"I'm positive that it will be fine," The eldest cut him off, "(Y/n)'s arrival was an early surprise, but that can be used to our favor--"

"She's not carrying a child," Choromatsu harshly cut in, watching Osomatsu's reaction carefully. The emblem fell from his fingers as the eldest's eyes went wide with shock.


"I saw it for myself," Choromatsu took a breath, "She was leaving their clinic with Karamatsu, and she was not carrying the child. At some point between Thursday afternoon and this morning, it was removed from her."

A loud crack stopped him from continuing, but he didn't outwardly flinch.

Osomatsu released his grip from the shattered office chair arm, flexing his fingers as splinters of wood fell from his skin. A heavy sigh blew through his nostrils as Osomatsu nestled his chin into the palm of his left hand, leaning on the other arm of the chair as his right index finger tapped against his desk.

"Where is (y/n) now?" His dark eyes lifted up to Choromatsu.

"She was studying in the cathedral library when I passed by a little while ago. She seemed to be quite focused."

"Do you know the extent of what happened?" Osomatsu stood up and adjusted his clothing.

"No. Since I didn't walk her here, I couldn't gather any specific information," Choromatsu shook his head, straightening his glasses out afterwards, "I do know that she didn't remove the child herself, but I couldn't get anything more."

"All right," Osomatsu took in a deep breath, "I'll go see what happened."

Choromatsu nodded before looking back at the shattered arm of the chair, "Want me to take care of that?"

For Those With Wings (Angel/AngelKiller!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now