Chapter 11

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"I want you to walk me back, Karamatsu."

"I would be happy to escort you there," Karamatsu nodded with a slight smile. His arm swept towards the entrance, and I gave a small smile before walking in front of him. When the main automatic doors opened, I noticed Choromatsu glance up before closing his book and standing to his full height.

"(Y/n), how was the visit?" His eyes looked directly into mine, the glasses pushed up high on the bridge of his nose.

"It went well. I just need to go to the shelter to inform them of where I've been," I waved the papers a little bit, "I didn't want to take up any of your valuable time, so I've asked Karamatsu to walk me back."

He only blinked once before a soft smile turned his lips upward.

"If that's what you want, then I won't force it. I'm relieved to hear that there was no bad news for you," Choromatsu's left arm readjusted, the briefcase in his hand shifting slightly as his right hand tucked the book he was reading under his arm before moving upward to push his hair out of his face, "Will I be seeing you at Sunday Mass tomorrow?"

"At the church?" I raised an eyebrow, watching the green-clad priest nod in confirmation, "I don't work, so of course I'll be going."

"Wonderful. We'll see you then," Choromatsu bowed before walking towards the city, leaving Karamatsu and I alone.

"Shall we?" Karamatsu didn't touch me but I felt a tug on my heart, as if something was gently beckoning me to follow him.

"Hey, you mind if I ask you some questions?" I turned away from where Choromatsu had gone, looking up at the smiling man wearing a leather jacket.

"That depends on the questions. I don't have the answer to the meaning of life," He laughed lightly before glancing down at me, slowing his walking speed.

"No...nothing like that," I took a breath, "I've noticed a lot of tension between the halves of your family. Like...a lot of tension. Did something happen?"

Karamatsu didn't flinch or show any change of expression, but the air around him seemed to still. As if nature was holding its breath for his answer.

"That's quite a personal question, (y/n)," He ran a hand through his hair before standing still, looking up to the clear sky for a moment, "We incident happen years ago, and each set blames the other for what resulted from it. So much so that you could barely call us a 'family' anymore."

I felt like I stepped on a landmine. I didn't think that it was a deep-rooted problem for the brothers, just something that they'd have a disagreement about and then get over after they talked it through.

"Oh...I'm sorry," I lowered my head, "I just thought that it was something else, like jealousy or anger at what happened with your parents."

"In regards to the divorce?" I felt Karamatsu's finger curl under my chin, lifting my face gently, "No, we all understood why that happened. This is little more than a family feud, and nothing that you should worry over."

"It's just..." I started, mentally tripping over what I wanted to say. Karamatsu's facial expression didn't change, as if he was letting me think things through.

There was such animosity between Ichimatsu and Todomatsu, between Karamatsu and Choromatsu...I hadn't met the last brother, but I could safely guess that it was the same between him and possibly Osomatsu. The only thing that I could see in common between all three pairs was...

"Is it because they're priests? That they're part of a religion?"

"It has nothing to do with their rank in the clergy, I promise. None of us are jealous of them in that regard," Karamatsu released my chin, a wide smile on his lips.

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