Chapter 19

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I turned over in my sleep, feeling the semi-firm mattress shift slightly underneath me as I propped my arms up underneath the pillow I was borrowing, my body feeling comfortable as I stirred from my rest. The small bedside table held my new phone and a folded up piece of paper, catching my attention as the morning sun started to bleed through the curtains.

Yawning while sitting up to stretch, I reached over and snatched the paper from underneath my phone, giving my eyes some time to adjust before opening the note.

'Sleep as long as you want, no work shift today - I'

I read the note a few more times before I fully understood what the note was saying. I was still a part-timer at Cat Garden, so I guess I had Wednesdays off until I was hired as a full-time worker. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I set the note down and lay back on the bed, fully stretching out before relaxing again.

No alarm meant to wake me up, no pressure from doing a morning chore. If I fell back asleep, I'd probably miss breakfast...

My mind thought back to the events from last night, sitting in front of Karamatsu, Ichimatsu, and Jyushimatsu while they warned me to leave and never look back...telling me to abandon my childhood friends who, despite being possessed by demons, have done nothing but help me the entire time I was here. I didn't know if I fully believed it, despite seeing Todomatsu change in front of my eyes, as well as a younger Osomatsu fighting Ichimatsu and Karamatsu.

Getting up and walking towards the pile of folded clothes, I picked out an outfit to wear for the day, slipping on a pair of black jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt that flared out at the elbows and waist. Stuffing my feet into my worn-out shoes, I pulled my hair back into a favored hairstyle and made my way towards the kitchen, seeing some of the other women set the long table for breakfast. I helped where I could, reconfirming my afternoon chore before sitting at the table while food was being served.

I noticed that Choromatsu hadn't shown up for the morning blessings like he usually did during my stay at the shelter. Putting the dirty dishes in the sink to soak, I headed towards the reading couch before stopping in my tracks. I could feel someone standing right behind me, an uneasy feeling cascading over me as they stared at my back.

It reminded me of what I had felt in Osomatsu's office.

I slowly looked over my shoulder to see empty air, the presence moving with me as I turned. It didn't feel extremely hostile, but I didn't feel safe around it, either. Shoving the relaxing thought of reading out of my mind, I quickly made my way towards the one person that could tell me about it, barely sparing a glance to the receptionist as I left the homeless shelter.

Walking through the twisting hallways of the office building put me in front of Osomatsu's office door, the solid piece of wood closed in front of me as the presence behind me seemed to press me against it, nearly smothering me as I gasped for air. I gave a soft knock before realizing that the door wasn't even closed all the way, my fingers pushing it open slightly to reveal a figure facedown on the ground. Shoving the door open all the way, I rushed into the office with a choked cry, leaving the presence behind me forgotten.

Frantically, I rolled the person onto his back, revealing a weary-looking Osomatsu. His eyes were closed and partially sunken into his face, his cheekbones protruding a little bit. Looking for something for him to drink and frustrated to find nothing on his desk, I pulled him towards me and rested his head on my lap, grabbing a sheet of paper to use as a fan for his face. With him being unconscious, there was no way for me to know what had happened to him.

"Osomatsu...come on, wake up..." I bit my bottom lip, my full attention on Osomatsu as I held his head up. He didn't move for a while, only taking shallow breaths as if he was asleep. After what felt like forever, the color in his face started to return and his breathing deepened like he was waking up.

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