Chapter 7

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My unease grew as the doctor closed the door behind him, his face wearing an unreadable expression. I tightened my fists in anticipation as he sat in his chair, keeping my mind calm as he took in a breath.

"The results from the test were inconclusive," He finally made eye contact with me, "It may be too early to tell, or you may not be pregnant at all. Give it another week and come back to be retested."

" sure?" I resisted rubbing my stomach, "I felt a slight pain earlier today, so I was a little worried."

"It's possible that your cycle will be starting soon, so that may be the cause," The doctor folded his hands together, "We have some pamphlets if you're interested in taking them about what to expect when you're expecting."

"I...uh, I'll pass," I stood up quickly, not feeling comfortable in the office, "I'll take another test next week, I guess."

"Very well, then," He stood up and opened the door for me, "It was nice to meet you, (y/n)."

"Same to you."

I quickly made my way out of the clinic, refusing to stop by the receptionist's desk to schedule another appointment. Speed-walking down the sidewalk, I ignored my surroundings and went as far as I could from the clinic. I've had a bad feeling about it ever since I took a step inside.

It wasn't something that I could put my finger on for exactly why it bothered me, but it always felt like I was being watched -- the same kind of feeling that the two men in the alley had made me feel, like I was some kind of food or prey. I shook my head hard, not wanting my imagination to run wild with suspicions. The clinic's personnel were kind enough, but I couldn't help but feel like they were acting that way because Osomatsu had walked in with me.

I stopped hard on my tracks.

I left Osomatsu behind!

Spinning around, I looked behind to see a familiar outline of a man, his figure slightly slouched over. His eyes slightly closed as we made eye contact.


"'ve been ignoring me since you left that building," He didn't move towards me, his hands tucked in his pockets.

"Have I...? I'm sorry," I lowered my head, "Just...have a lot on my mind--"

"You start tomorrow at 5 a.m., so don't be late," He turned on his heel and began to walk away.

"Wait...what?" I took a step forward to follow him, stopping when he looked over his shoulder at me.


"What do you mean 'I start tomorrow'? Last I checked, you were furious with me!"

"...was I?" He looked upwards, as if searching for an answer before lowering his gaze at me, "No, not at you."

"You said that you weren't hiring me," Another step forward brought me within arms reach of his back.

"...I may have said that," Ichimatsu's eyes watched my every move, his body not budging an inch.

"Then why the change of heart?" I stepped around to face him fully. His slouched position brought his head almost down to my level, and his dark eyes were intense as they locked onto my new position. They closed in a slow blink, as if he was thinking of what to say next.

" more chance," His gruff voice softly commented, "I was told to give you one more chance."

"Told...?" My mind reflected on what Karamatsu did only a few hours earlier, of how his face was soft in understanding as he made me look up at him, "Did...Karamatsu--?"

"Like I said, you start tomorrow at 5 a.m.," He stepped around me and kept walking. I watched as his back disappeared into the crowd, staying there for a moment longer before making my way towards the shelter.

I informed the receptionist of the schedule change (again), and walked towards the donation area, looking into the large storage box that held the pants that were donated to the shelter. A slight frown started to form on my face when I couldn't find any more pants that were my size, most of the donations were for preteens and children. Quietly putting the container back into place, I headed towards my room and lay on the bed. My mind buzzed with questions about the brothers, or rather, their whole family.

In twenty years, the three boys that I had known as cheerful, playful, and mischievous had grown into men in their own right -- strong, kind, and seemingly caring...but something still didn't sit right with me. There was something hidden behind their smiles, and I couldn't place my finger on it. The memory of Osomatsu's eyes flashed in my head, the dark look that he had given me a few days ago was definitely not from the Osomatsu I knew from childhood.

Maybe I'd have some luck asking Ichimatsu about it tomorrow.

"--/n)?" The sound of my name cut through my thoughts.

"Yeah...?" I sat up to see the head of my roommate poking around the dividing wall between our beds. Her bright red hair moved slightly as she took a breath.

"There's a guest for you downstairs."

"I thought no visitors were allowed?" I raised an eyebrow while sliding off the bed.

"We're not supposed to bring people in, but people can ask to see us," She ducked around the corner as I walked towards the door, tucking herself into her own bed. I gave a last glance before shutting the door behind me. There wasn't much I knew about my roommate, outside that she worked a night job and was kicked out by her landlord. She looked to be about my age, but I never pressed for info.

Picking at my shirt and pants, I tried to make myself look presentable for whoever was asking for me as I moved towards the lobby. The hair color of the man in the lobby made me stop in my tracks, the familiar auburn dye color looking freshly applied as the man looked around at the artwork in the lobby.


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