Chapter 2: Where's the boy, Hades?

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Chapter 2: Where's the boy, Hades?

Eurydice was pacing back and forth, anxiously waiting for Orpheus to come back to her. Bring her home. Persephone and Hermes were whispering to each other. There was a thud and a cick that echoed through Hadestown. The trio looked up to see Hades walking down the spiral staircase. Just Hades. Eurydice ran up to him, her features angry. "Where is he?" She asked, not caring if she angered the god. Hades merely looked down at her. He sighed, "He's being tested." Hades stated blankly.

Persephone stepped up to Hades. "Where is the boy, Hades?" She asked as calmly as she could. Hades' only looked up at his office door, and looked back at the trio. Hades walked away to monitor work on the wall.

Eurydice began sprinting to the spiral staircase, yelling for Orpheus. Not far behind was Hermes and Persephone. Eurydice got to the office and began pulling down on the door knob. Her face dropped as she realized that the office was locked. She sank to her knee and began banging on the door, tears beginning to fall from her eyes.

"Orpheus... are you there?" Eurydice sobbed. She heard a small whimper, calling her name.

"ORPHEUS! Are you okay!?" Eurydice yelled, through the door, hoping he was just locked in.

"N-no, 'R-rydice. P-ple-please, Euryd-eurydice. I-I need h-help." Orpheus whispered through the door. Eurydice took in a shaky breath, as more tears escaped her eyes. She looked up at Persephone, who's eyes were welling with tears from hearing Orpheus in such pain. Persephone kneeled down next to the door, Hermes walked over to Eurydice and helped move her away from the door. Persephone put her head close to the door, she heard Orpheus' strained breaths. Tears began to roll down her cheek. "Orpheus... baby? I need you to help me as much as you can, okay?" Asked Perspehone, hoping Orpheus was able to move around. There was a few seconds of silence.

"...I c-can, Lady P-Pers-Persephone." Stuttered Orpheus, his voice hushed.

"Alright, I need you to tell me what happened and how bad your hurt." Persephone told Orpheus, hoping, for Eurydice's sake and his own, that he was okay.

"I... sang t-the melody. H-hades went crazy and h-he threw a k-knife at me. I-it hit m-me in the st-stomach. It's sti-still in m-my st-stomach." Orpheus shakly told Persephone. Persephone's stomach dropped at hearing Orpheus' situation and pain. Eurydice gasped and buried her face into Hermes' shoulder. Persephone's anger was bubbling up inside her about her husband for doing this to such a sweet and beloved person. To the boy she saw as a son to her. She looked at Hermes, who was hugging a trembling and sobbing Eurydice, Hermes himself had tears falling from his eyes. Persephone knew where Hades kept a spare key, she would have to hope Orpheus could hang on and get it. "Okay, Orpheus. I need you to get a spare key in Hades' long black coat that is hanging on a hook in one of the pockets that is on your right. I really need you to do this for me baby, okay?"

"...Okay." Orpheus replied, knowing this was life or death for him.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy this, I will post the next chapter probably this Thursday! Bye!
Remember to 1) Surround yourself with people who's eyes light up when they see you coming, 2) slowly is the fastest way to get where you want to be, 3) the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing.


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