Chapter 5: Will You Let Us Go?

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*Quick Disclaimer: If anyone who can't read about vomit or just doesn't want to read about it, skip the second paragraph from the very top to the end of that paragraph. Thanks, and hope you enjoy the chapter!*

Chapter 5: Will you let us go?

After the song ended, Orpheus' whimpers died down, as his brain was finally able to process what was happening. His eyes slowly untightened and he peeled the heavy lids open, to see Eurydice's beautiful brown eyes gazing back at him.

"Eur-Eurydice..." Orpheus started, but felt dizzy and sick from lack of blood. Orpheus felt bile gather in the back of his throat, he gagged. Eurydice and Hermes saw what was happening and helped get Orpheus to lay on his side just as a stream of vomit came launching out of his mouth. Eurydice was pulling the stray hairs out of Orpheus' face as Hermes rubbed comforting circles on Orpheus' back.

"We have to get him out of here," Eurydice said sternly, as Orpheus panted, "he can't last much longer down here."

"You're right Eurydice, but how are we going to get him and yourself out of here without Hades knowing?" Hermes , knowing Hades wouldn't let Eurydice go with Orpheus back up top.

"No, I won't go back up. We just have to get Orpheus out of here, it's almost time for spring too. Persephone, please help Hermes with Orpheus." Eurydice told the god and goddess. It broke her heart to have to do this, but she couldn't let Orpheus die.

"N-no," Orpheus rasped as he rolled back onto his back, " 'Rydice y-you can't! H-Hades said t-that if I-I passed he would l-let us both g-go back up top."

"Yeah, but look what Hades has done to you. We can't trust him. You aren't going anywhere near him... ever." Eurydice growled, her anger returning at the thought of Hades.

"Okay, you two. The bleeding has stopped, "Persephone stated, as he checked underneath the fabric, "so he can be moved."

"How are we going to get him to the train?" Eurydice asked, watching Persephone rip another few strips of fabric from her dress.

"You and Hermes will help Orpheus to the train after I wrap him with this fabric. I will talk to Hades," Persephone looked at Eurydice, "I know what he did was wrong and you don't trust him, but I know who I married. He never breaks a deal... or test in this matter." Persephone smiled sadly as she saw Orpheus lifted one of his hands and gripped Hermes' hand. A warm father and son embrace.

"Okay, Eurydice please help Orpheus sit up so I can wrap his stomach." Persephone commanded. Eurydice nodded as she moved to help maneuver Orpheus into a slumped sitting position. Orpheus gasped in pain as all the movement jostle the wound. Hermes immediately tightened his grip on Orpheus' hand, as his other reached up and stroked his cheek.

"Orpheus... baby. What I need you to do is, focus on your breathing. I know all you want to do is sleep and you're tired of all the pain, but you have to stay awake as long as you can. You don't have to talk, just nod, okay?" Persephone asked, making sure Orpheus understood. Orpheus' eyes looked at Persephone for a few moments and then nodded as he laid his head back down onto Eurydice's shoulder, so his head was supported. Persephone looked back at the wound, which had stopped bleeding. She began wrapping her dress fabric around Orpheus' stomach a few times, before knotting the fabric tightly. Orpheus gave a small, weak, pained gasp in response.

"Alright now that that is set and done, you two can help him get to the train. I'll go deal with Hades." Persephone said as Hermes and Eurydice linked Orpheus' arms over their shoulders. Orpheus lolled his head onto Hermes' shoulder, his sweaty forehead making contact with his father figure's cheek. Hermes gave a sad smile, as his godson's breathing evened out. The trio began the trek down to the train, Persephone was leading the way, deciding it would give her a great ease if she watched them get on the train herself. Orpheus kept giving small gasps and hisses of pain as the wound was jostled. His face cringed as the pain kept coming, his eyes screwed shut in pain. As they kept going sweat was now dripping off Orpheus' head and onto Hermes' cheek. They were a few feet away from the train, when a booming voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hades' voice echoed through Hell. Eurydice's anger exploded. She transferred all of Orpheus' weight onto Hermes, Orpheus tried to grab her arm but she moved too fast for his lagging senses. She whipped around to face the god.

"Who the do you think you are?! You stabbed Orpheus and left him for dead! He passed the test! So why are you questioning where we're going?! You know exactly where we're going!" Eurydice yelled to the god. She didn't care if she made this god mad, because he hurt Orpheus. Eurydice clenched her hands into fist, then unclenched them. Over and over again, rage flooding her every sense.

Then she felt a hand grip her shoulder. Eurydice looked to see Persephone, walking next to her. Her had on Eurydice's shoulder. Persephone turned her head to look at Eurydice, Persephone smiled calmly and then turned her head back to her husband. Her smile disappearing completely.

"Hades... you hurt this boy. You did something that could never be forgiven. You almost killed an innocent mortal, let alone one who had such a gift." Persephone said, her words penetrating Hades' ears.

"He passed the test Hades. What are you doing? Look around. Your way of life has made many suffer. Life has been falling apart, the workers tired and empty. You've depleted all life, up top and down here." Persephone's words hitting Hades with meaning. Hades looked around at his land, seeing the workers doing the jobs almost mechanically.

"The world is no longer in tune. Hades look inside of yourself... what are you doing this for?" Persephone said, walking forward. She placed a hand on his chest. Hades moved away from Persephone's touch.

"He did not pass," Hades pointed to Eurydice, "you can see them gone. He can leave, she can not. He did not find you, songbird. You found him." Hades said, Eurydice puffed out her chest and began walking to Hades. Ready to fight.

"W-wait..." Everyone turned to see Orpheus, standing on his own wobbly legs. "Mister H-Hades, please. I-if I can s-show you how t-the world could b-be, will you l-let us go?" Orpheus worded carefully, his legs trembling.


I know it's cliche what Orpheus said at the end, but I couldn't think of how to get to the start of the next chapter! I hope you liked this chapter! So I will be posting 2 additional chapters today because they are shorter and I can't wait for you all to read them! The chapters will be up later today, so hope you like those! Remember to 1) Surround yourself with people who's eyes light up when they see you coming, 2) slowly is the fastest way to get where you want to be, 3) the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing.


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